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Pregnancy-Related Injuries and Maternal Mortality

What is a Pregnancy-Related Injury?

A pregnancy-related injury is an injury that a woman sustains during pregnancy, at delivery, or shortly after delivery. These injuries can range from mild to severe with the worst cases resulting in death – known as maternal mortality. 700 women die each year in the United States due to pregnancy-related injuries resulting in maternal mortality.

What is Maternal Mortality?

Maternal Mortality is a term used to explain the deaths of women during their pregnancies and childbirth. Startingly, pregnant women in the United Starts are more likely to be at risk for maternal mortality than in any other developed country.  

Mother claims failure to diagnose led to son’s death

It is essential to the well-being or an unborn child that a mother is properly cared for during her pregnancy. This means not only making sure the mother is doing the basics — eating right and taking the proper vitamins — but the doctors caring for the woman also need to be weighing all risk factors when providing care during pregnancy.

New clinic aims to better treat cerebral palsy

A new clinic hopes to better improve the lives of those with cerebral palsy. The executive director of this clinic, called the Neuromotor Research Clinic, said the idea is for children from around the world to be treated at the clinic with high-intensity therapy.

Nerve damage during birth can create lifelong limitations

Most expecting parents imagine that the day of their child’s birth will be among the happiest of their lives. Unfortunately, some parents’ joy is interrupted by errors during birth. Although a pregnancy complication doesn’t minimize the excitement of welcoming a new family member into the world, it certainly creates a new set of concerns and anxieties for parents.

Is bed rest really the best for high risk pregnancies?

Women with high risk pregnancies may think bed rest is going to be a given. Not wanting to cause any more harm, their doctor is simply going to order them off of their feet. This means no working and an activity restriction. The idea is the mom-to-be needs to be staying in bed and getting plenty of rest.

Survey: Many women need more information before delivery

Having a baby is supposed to be one of the happiest days in a mother’s life. Yet, a recent survey found that many women are undergoing medical procedures and allow interventions with their delivery without being properly informed of the possible risks and possible complications.

Jury finds hospital was negligent in 2002 birth

Cerebral palsy is typically caused when a baby is deprived of oxygen during the birthing process. Sadly, babies who are born with cerebral palsy often require medical care for the rest of their lives. In many cases, cerebral palsy is the result of medical negligence.