212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Scaffold Accidents and Personal Injury

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an estimated 2.3 million workers in the construction industry work on scaffolds – this is 65% of construction workers. The 2003 and 2004 Bureau of Labor Statistics data for the private sector revealed that more than 60 deaths and 4,500 injuries occur each year due to scaffold accidents. A recent BLS study shows that close to 72% of workers injured on construction sites attributed the fall or accident to the support or planking giving away, or to the worker being struck by a falling object or slipping. The scaffolding they use in China is made of bamboo – that is even worse but if you have been hurt in America in a scaffolding accident you deserve compensation. You are in the right place.

Scaffolding Safety Standards

Regulations on scaffold safety by the OSHA are generally considered an authoritative source on how to safely construct, use or maintain scaffolds. Compliance with OSHA standards can control all of these accidents. Some of the most commonly violated OSHA scaffold safety regulations include:

BRONX: Mother of Two Children Injured After High Winds Cause Scaffolding Collapse

Scaffolding Accident Seriously Injures Woman Walking With Her Children  BRONX, NEW YORK (February 24, 2017) – A woman walking down a street in the Bronx was hit in the head after scaffolding collapsed due to high winds, according to police. Paramedics rushed to the scene of the accident and found the woman bleeding from the head. […]

BRONX: Woman Hit In The Head With Scaffolding After High Winds Caused Collapse

Scaffolding Accident Seriously Injures Woman Walking With Her Children  BRONX, NEW YORK (February 24, 2017) – A mother that was walking with her kids was seriously injured after a scaffolding collapsed and hit her in the head, according to ABC News. The 39-year-old victim has yet to be identified. Neither of her two children sustained […]

KINGSBURY: Construction Worker Rahssan Smith Killed While Painting Bridge After Falling From Scaffolding Into Kingsbury Canal And Drowning

FATAL ACCIDENT REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION  KINGSBURY, NEW YORK (November 11, 2016)  A construction worker drowned to death after falling from scaffolding into the Kingsbury Canal, according to NBC News. Authorities have been able to identify the man that drowned to death as  Rahssan Smith. Rahssan Smith was one of several construction workers from the Department of Transportation that […]

Overview of New State Scaffolding Law

New York state scaffolding laws have helped to protect workers for many years, but now some advocates of reform have these laws in their crosshairs. Reporting in the Legislative Gazette February 17 shows trade groups and others contending a link between existing scaffolding laws and extremely high insurance premiums for construction projects. Some claim that […]