If you have suffered injuries in an accident due to an individual or entity’s negligence or misconduct, you need to think about how you can hold them liable and claim the rightful compensation for your damages. Another critical issue that you must address in the event of an auto accident is whether you need the professional services of a New York personal injury attorney to handle your claim.
If you have suffered injuries in an accident due to an individual or entity’s negligence or misconduct, you need to think about how you can hold them liable and claim the rightful compensation for your damages. Another critical issue that you must address in the event of an auto accident is whether you need the professional services of a New York personal injury attorney to handle your claim.
When you decide to claim compensation for your injuries, you need to be wary of the fact that the insurance companies, with their battery of lawyers, will do everything possible to diminish or deny your claim as soon as you file it. To counter this effectively, it is vital that you seek and retain a competent personal injury attorney in New York City as soon as possible to give yourself a fair chance to obtain maximum compensation.
Do I Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney in New York?
If you have suffered serious injuries in an accident, a New York personal injury attorney can ensure you receive the maximum compensation that you legally deserve. While a lawyer can maximize your compensation claim using their expertise in negotiations, the defendant and their insurance company are also likely to take your case more seriously if a competent attorney represents you.
The circumstances around each accident case are different and personal injuries related to the accident are unique to the client and the case. You may be able to gather insights from the attorney’s past track record of winning compensation for their clients in similar cases. These insights can help you decide when you need legal representation from an attorney to fight a personal injury lawsuit. Read on to learn more about the reasons why you may need an auto accident attorney in NYC.
Your Injuries are Severe and Debilitating
If you suffered severe injuries, contracted a serious illness, or sustained a permanent disability in the accident, you certainly need a personal injury attorney. When you are staring at years, or even a lifetime, of suffering and pain, seeking legal counsel becomes necessary. Also, if your injuries or disability might require long-term medical care, you can avoid lifelong financial hardship and stress by hiring a personal injury attorney.
You are Uncertain about Who is Liable for Your Injuries
If you are not sure about whose negligence or fault caused the accident, you must consult with a lawyer. In such situations where the fault is not apparent, the other party or their insurance company might try to bring a claim against you for damages. Consultations with an attorney can help you protect yourself from any counterclaims.
There is an Involvement of Several Parties in the Accident
If you are a victim of an accident involving multiple individuals or entities, hiring a personal injury lawyer can protect your legal and financial interests. An experienced personal injury attorney in New York City will be adept at dealing with various entities and insurance companies simultaneously.
A competent attorney can skillfully negotiate a favorable settlement or build a case to maximize your personal injury damages. In the event of negligence or misconduct on part of multiple defendants, your lawyer can make sure that you secure the full and fair compensation that you deserve.
There is a Delay or Denial of Your Claim by the Insurance Company
Insurance companies try to take full advantage of the fact that most people are not aware of the legal and procedural intricacies in a personal injury claim. If they come to know that you are unrepresented, they will surely try to trap you in the legal rigmarole by using denial or delay as tactics.
Insurance companies handle compensation claims day in and day out. They know that looking after your medical treatment at the same time as fighting for compensation will ultimately prove too much of a stress for you. They will use this knowledge to beat you into submission, either by delaying claims or by offering you minimum compensation. Considering all this, it becomes essential for you to hire a skillful NYC personal injury attorney.
The Accident Investigations are Unsatisfactory
It is difficult to pin down fault and assign liability without a proper investigation into the accident and subsequent injuries. Insurance companies and investigative agencies lack the time and resources to be able to thoroughly investigate your claim.
Capable personal injury attorneys have the ability and wherewithal to conduct a thorough independent investigation and reconstruct the sequence of events around the accident. They have the resources and expertise to unearth necessary evidence, gather surveillance footage, and subpoena witnesses to help you build a strong case.
You have Sustained Permanent Disabilities
You must consult and retain a personal injury attorney if the nature and extent of your injuries are so severe as to have a lifelong effect on your professional and personal life. You deserve compensation considering escalation in medical care costs as well as loss of earnings in the future, especially when you face permanent disabilities from an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
Settlement amount from the insurance company may help in taking care of your current expenses, but it does not consider long-term medical and financial needs. Furthermore, the insurance company cannot monetarily compensate you for the loss of enjoyment as well as the pain and suffering for you and your loved ones.
Only a tenacious New York City auto accident attorney pursuing your personal injury lawsuit with dogged determination can help you obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve.
The Statute of Limitations May Run Out
Investigation of the accident, identification of the negligent party, and negotiations with insurance companies for settlement take time. Sometimes, it may take months or years after the accident for you to discover the full extent of your injuries.
The statute of limitations to claim compensation in New York is three years from the date of your injury. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident is vital as it gives your lawyer sufficient time to conduct investigations into your accident and file a claim if required.
The Nature and Extent of Your Injuries Could Worsen Over Time
Sometimes, people show reluctance about hiring an attorney for injuries that feel relatively innocuous. It does not seem worthwhile to hire an attorney for just a bruised wrist or a few scrapes. Especially when the other motorist’s insurance company offers to pay the medical bills with some monetary compensation thrown in for good measure.
However, there a few reasons why you should consider consultation with a lawyer even if the injuries seem minor in nature. There are chances that your injuries could turn out more serious, and worse, than you or your physician estimated. There is nothing you can do about the situation if you have already agreed to accept a settlement offer from the insurance company.
When you accept a settlement offer, you surrender all possible future claims from the accident. An experienced attorney will caution you to not rush into accepting an offer till the time you are sure about the nature of your injuries.
Damages for Your Pain and Suffering
If your claim goes to court, the jury will consider the non-monetary part of your damages, including your emotional trauma and pain and suffering. An initial settlement with the insurance company is not comprehensive as it does not take the emotional distress into account. A personal injury lawyer can guide you about all the damages you are legally entitled to, even if they might seem minor or cannot be calculated in monetary terms.
A Personal Injury Lawyer’s Charges are Contingent on the Outcome
Reputable personal injury attorneys in New York may not charge their clients by the hour or ask for an upfront fee for the case. They charge a contingency fee for fighting your personal injury case which means that they receive payment for their services either from a settlement or a jury verdict.
The fee that the client pays is contingent on the case outcome. Simply put, the client pays the lawyer if and only if the case is successful and the lawyer recovers sufficient compensation for the client. If the lawyer is unable to secure the compensation money, either through a settlement or a jury verdict, then the client is under no legal obligation to pay the fee.
Plaintiffs with Legal Representation Stand to Win Larger Settlements
Studies show that a person with legal representation ends up winning settlements that on average are more than three times what an unrepresented plaintiff would receive. This clearly shows the huge difference that hiring an attorney can make in a personal injury settlement.
Dealing directly with the defendant or their insurance company can be tedious and complicated. Given the insurance company’s experience in handling settlement negotiations, you need the services and expertise of a skillful attorney to negotiate on your behalf.
Choose a Personal Injury Law Firm that is Serving New Yorkers for Four Generations
We at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff have continued our unparalleled devotion to helping people in the aftermath of a serious accident recover the compensation they need to move forward and restore their lives. Our accomplished New York personal injury lawyers are proficient at providing the assertive legal counseling you need to get the maximum amount of compensation you rightfully deserve.
If you or someone you care about has been the victim of someone else’s negligence or misconduct, call Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP today at 212-344-1000 or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation.