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How To Prove Personal Injury Claim?

When you get involved in an accident due to another’s fault, you would naturally have concerns about how to pay for your treatment and recover from your injuries and losses. You might not think about your right to recover financial damages from the at-fault party.

When you are injured, it can be easy to underestimate the mounting costs of medical bills, loss of income, and prolonged pain and suffering that may follow. After all, most people just want to get better quickly. But if you want to ensure that you receive your rightful compensation for your injuries, you must understand how the legal process works—and that means understanding how to prove liability and prove damages.

how to prove injury claim

When you get involved in an accident due to another’s fault, you would naturally have concerns about how to pay for your treatment and recover from your injuries and losses. You might not think about your right to recover financial damages from the at-fault party.

When you are injured, it can be easy to underestimate the mounting costs of medical bills, loss of income, and prolonged pain and suffering that may follow. After all, most people just want to get better quickly. But if you want to ensure that you receive your rightful compensation for your injuries, you must understand how the legal process works—and that means understanding how to prove liability and prove damages.

Defendants in personal injury cases will usually attempt to avoid liability by using a variety of legal arguments. They will also employ their own lawyers and insurers to assist them in this endeavor. The insurance companies are powerful and have a battery of lawyers who will work hard to put the blame on you and try to escape from their liability for your injuries and losses.

You will have to establish the legal elements under the theory of personal injury liability in New York in order to prove that a defendant is liable for your injuries in a car accident. In most cases, your lawyer will argue that the defendant is liable for your injuries based on negligence. It will require your legal team to establish direct as well as circumstantial evidence to prove that the defendant’s negligence caused you harm.

Legal Elements to Prove Negligence

Negligence is the breach of a legal duty or a failure to exercise reasonable care, which results in injury or damage to another. It may occur in a contract where one party fails to meet an obligation or injuries, for example, through negligent driving or medical malpractice. The key elements to prove negligence in New York include:

  • Duty of Care: The duty element is pretty simple, and it requires that there is a legal duty established between two parties where one party has harmed another. For example, an individual who operates a car is obligated to drive within the speed limit at all times when on public streets.
  • Breach of Duty: A breach occurs when someone fails to fulfill their duty. For example, if a driver were to exceed the speed limit and subsequently cause an accident that injures someone else, they would have breached their duty and would likely be liable for damages if sued.
  • Proximate Cause: Causation refers to whether there was a direct connection between the breach and the injury suffered by the plaintiff. For example, if you were hit by a car while crossing the street and the driver exceeded the speed limit and ran a red light, this would be considered a direct cause of the accident.
  • Damages: Damages are the direct result of negligence causing injuries or property damage. For example, suffering from whiplash, broken bones, and other injuries after getting hit by a speeding driver.

In a personal injury case, liability is the defendant’s responsibility for causing your injuries. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant was at-fault for the accident. In a civil case, liability is decided by a jury. The jury must decide based on the evidence presented by attorneys for both sides.

The injured victim often has to prove their case by a preponderance of the evidence. This means that it’s more likely than not that the defendant caused your injuries. And this can be proved when you have a highly rated and resourceful personal injury lawyer in NYC thoroughly investigating your case.

Choose an Attorney with Strong Resources and Skills to Investigate and Prove Your Injury Claim

Personal injury cases rarely have simple or straightforward solutions. The law is complex, and every detail of a case makes a difference in the outcome. For this reason, you should consult an attorney with experience in investigating personal injury cases. These cases can be challenging—but working with someone who knows the laws and regulations governing them will give you your best chance of success.

The investigation process in a personal injury claim includes the following:

  • Identify the parties involved in the accident and gather their contact information.
  • Obtain copies of police reports, witness statements, and medical records.
  • Establish the cause of the accident, and determine who was at fault or responsible for the injuries.
  • Determine if any preexisting conditions contributed to the injuries.
  • Collect evidence, such as photographs of your injuries, to support your claim.
  • Consultations with experts in accident reconstruction, biomechanics and injury evaluation are scheduled to determine how the accident occurred and what damages may be claimed by the injured party.
  • Present their findings to the insurance company or opposing counsel.
  • Estimate how much the victim should be paid for damages sustained from the accident.
  • Contacting insurance agencies to collect information related to the insurance policy of all parties involved.

But sometimes, your lawyer can’t get some things without filing a lawsuit. That’s because some documents—say, from the insurance company or a doctor—are only available once you file a lawsuit. This is called discovery.

Discovery is when each side in a case uses legal tools to gather information from the other. It’s how an attorney can continue investigating your claim and gather additional evidence to help prove your case if you end up in court. In a nutshell, discovery is used to gather evidence and ensure each side has access to all the information they need to prove their case.

During a personal injury lawsuit, your attorney may gather evidence by means of depositions, interrogatories, requests for admissions, and the production of documents.

  • Depositions are formal interviews of witnesses conducted by attorneys. They are used to establish the content of a witness’s testimony and the credibility of that witness.
  • Request for admissions from defendants are statements that are true and cannot be disputed.
  • Interrogatories are a list of questions that the defendant is required to answer.
  • At some point before or during the trial, your lawyer will also ask for documents that may contain pertinent evidence about what happened: receipts, invoices, correspondence between parties involved, and so on. These requests are called requests for the production of documents.

Evidence in Personal Injury Cases

Every case is different, so no one can predict exactly what evidence will be necessary for yours. Your attorney will tell you exactly how many photos and how much medical documentation, police reports, witness statements etc., they think are required. But here are some general ideas of what types of evidence should be gathered at each stage:

The Accident Report

The police report can be an essential piece of evidence in a personal injury lawsuit, especially if you were not the only person involved in the accident. If a police officer had responded to the scene, they would have filled out an accident report. The investigating officer will describe what happened, who was involved, and where and when it happened. Witnesses may have been interviewed at the scene, and their names will also be on the report.

Videos and Photos

how to prove injury claim photo

Visual evidence can be instrumental in building a personal injury case. While many courts will accept photos and videos taken by witnesses or law enforcement, it may be in your best interest to hire an experienced attorney to gather visual evidence. In some cases, these photos and videos are the only way the court will know how an accident occurred.

For example, if you were in a car accident, evidence such as surveillance camera footage can show that another driver ran a red light or made an illegal turn before hitting you. Your attorney can also get proof from traffic cameras if necessary.

Medical Records

Medical records are documents written by medical providers detailing the care you received for an injury or illness. These records can be used in personal injury cases to prove that you did sustain an injury during an accident or that another person’s negligence caused your injuries. In addition, records from specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and other health care professionals can be used as evidence of emotional distress damages in personal injury cases.

Medical Bills

You will need to demonstrate the full extent of your injuries and the costs you have incurred in treating them—medical bills from doctors, hospitals, and rehabilitation bills are all common evidence in personal injury cases. In most cases, you will also have additional out-of-pocket costs—these often include prescriptions, follow-up doctor’s visits, home healthcare aides or therapy sessions, and sometimes even non-medical expenses such as missed work.

In detailing these losses, you will also want to include all relevant insurance statements. This includes health insurance information and any other insurance that might have covered any portion of your treatment or care.

Legal Help is Here from Experienced New York Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal injury cases are complex. At Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP, we take a hands-on approach when investigating, proving, and negotiating our client’s claims with the liable parties. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing personalized service that meets or exceeds your expectations. When you hire us, we will handle all aspects of your case from start to finish, including:

  • Determining the estimated value of your injury claim
  • Obtaining the necessary evidence to prove your claim
  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf for maximum settlement
  • Getting fully prepared to go to trial if necessary

We have a reputation for taking on big insurance companies and winning significant settlements and verdicts for the injured victims. We have successfully litigated many personal injury cases with highly favorable results for our clients. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, please contact us today for a free consultation and free evaluation of your case. Call us at 212-344-1000 or write to us online.

How Do I Find a Good Lawyer For Personal Injury?

Achieving the best possible outcome for a personal injury claim in New York often comes down to selecting the right lawyer. While you may feel that this is an area where it’s acceptable to go with the first lawyer you talk to, it’s important to remember that your injury case will likely be complicated, and working with a proven and resourceful lawyer from the beginning can save you from having to go through painful setbacks later on. 

While choosing the best lawyer might seem like a proactive thing to do, remember that you could be hurting your lawsuit prospects by not taking an active role in finding the right lawyer for your needs. You will be working closely with the law firm throughout your case, so they must have the skills, resources, experience and commitment to fight for the best outcome on your behalf.

If they are unable to meet these standards, they could end up costing you in terms of a poor financial recovery. Stemming from this, the lawyer you choose to represent you will be responsible for determining the legal strategy for pursuing your claim, whether negotiate a settlement or take your case to court. Our dedicated personal injury attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP have compiled a few tips to help you find the best NYC personal injury lawyer for your needs.

Look for an Attorney with Strong Financial Resources

Most personal injury cases are settled out of court, but the lawyers representing you must have ample financial backing and preparedness to go to trial. That is one of the key factors that could prompt the defendants to agree to a fair settlement with you rather than take the case to trial.

To build evidence for your case, hiring outside experts such as engineers, accident reconstructionists, forensic investigators or medical specialists can be costly, but they are often necessary to build a strong case. Having them on your side could mean the difference between winning and losing your case. A law firm with limited resources may not be able to hire these experts or gather the evidence needed to strengthen your case.

A law firm with the necessary financial resources will be able to take your case to trial successfully if it becomes necessary. This will allow them to ensure that everything possible is done to increase your chances of receiving a favorable outcome.

In addition, powerful law firms will be able to handle cases more efficiently and effectively with skilled teams of people working on your case. They would have experienced paralegals, assistants and attorneys to delegate tasks and keep your case moving forward while also being able to focus on all of the critical details and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

An insurance company will never offer you more money than they think they could get if they went to trial and lost. They are often more willing to offer larger settlements and work out deals with personal injury attorneys with these resources, as they recognize the ability of these attorneys to go to trial if necessary. On the other hand, the insurance company may lowball the amount they offer you or deny your claim altogether if they know you don’t have solid legal representation.

Hire an Attorney with Experience in Handling Personal Injury Cases Similar to Yours 

Personal injury cases are some of the most complex legal claims you can get involved in. If you’re going up against a deep-pocketed insurance company, they will want to use their money and power to make you look bad. They’ll send investigators out to find ways to poke holes in your story and dig through your entire life to find anything that could be used against you.

Insurance companies don’t just have an army of investigators working for them, but they also have a team of high-powered lawyers on their side. You can’t just hire any lawyer when the financial stakes are high. You need someone with experience in dealing with insurance companies and who knows how to negotiate hard with them outside of court.

Simply choosing the law firm with the best website or the most attractive ads is not enough—look for someone who specializes in your injury claim. This is because every injury claim is unique, and you need to find an attorney who can adapt their strategy to suit your particular situation. Let’s say you are a construction worker who got injured on the job.

You may be able to pursue a personal injury claim against third parties, such as the manufacturer of faulty tools or equipment used on the construction job site. For this type of claim, you will want a product liability personal injury attorney to fight your case. This will ensure that your attorney is knowledgeable about the subject matter.

To find a stellar personal injury lawyer, ask for recommendations from people you trust who have been involved with lawsuits before – someone who has been around the legal corners before and knows where the legal dangers are lurking. Other than that, it may be helpful to narrow down your options based on how many years a personal injury law firm has operated in New York.

Your local bar association may be able to provide you some information and you can also check the law firm’s website. Consider how many years of experience your potential attorneys individually have as well. You should also look into a lawyer’s background to see if they have won similar cases in the past, where those cases were tried or settled, and what was their final outcome.

Check if the Attorney has the Capability to Take the Lawsuit to Court

You have a right to know what an attorney expects to happen in your case. Ask the lawyer to explain their legal strategy and how they will accomplish your goals. If you don’t understand what the lawyer says, ask for clarification. The best way to determine if an attorney is willing to take a personal injury case to court is to ask about it directly. Most attorneys will be happy to tell you how they plan to represent you and whether or not they think the case can go all the way through trial.

Lawyers with trial experience know how to handle all aspects of litigation, including court appearances, depositions, and negotiation tactics. In addition, they often have relationships with other attorneys and insurance companies that will help them negotiate favorable settlements on your behalf or get you compensation if your case goes to trial.

You can also ask how long they’ve been practicing law, how many jury trials they’ve handled, and what their success rate is in these trials. It would also be helpful for you to understand the reasons behind their hesitation if they decide not to pursue your case through court.

Look for Attorneys with a Proven Track Record of Settlements and Verdicts

 how to prove injury claim court

When choosing a personal injury attorney, it’s essential to look at the number of cases they have won. Any lawyer can tell you about their past successes, but it’s necessary to look at the track record of those victories. You want to ensure someone has a proven history of winning cases and getting positive results for their clients.

Choosing a lawyer with a notable reputation and a demonstrable track record can be the difference between winning and losing your case. When talking to different attorneys and looking into their work history, ask them about their win/loss ratio, what percentage of the cases they take on they win, and how many cases they’ve settled out of court. Find out if they’re handling any case similar to yours and how things are progressing in those cases.

A good law firm will have statistics available on the website or in an office, so use those to find out how many cases they’ve handled and what the outcome was. Someone who has dealt with over a hundred cases and won almost all of them is someone you should feel confident in hiring to represent your case.

Having a proven track record of successful settlements is a good sign that the attorney has the knowledge and skills to obtain favorable client outcomes. They will act in your best interests and provide you with the highest service possible. They will have a history of successfully settling personal injury cases, which means they have the skills and experience necessary to negotiate with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case. This can lead to a quicker resolution and a better settlement for you.

Consult with Our Seasoned Personal Injury Attorneys to Help You Get the Maximum Compensation

Before hiring an attorney to represent you in a personal injury claim, it’s essential to ensure they’re the right fit for your needs. Law offices can approach the same case in many different ways, and not all lawyers are equal. In fact, some law offices will take whatever approach is most likely to get you a quick settlement on your case, while others will take a more holistic approach tailored to the long-term recovery of their clients. This is why it’s crucial to find someone who will work in a way that is comfortable for you.

Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP provides robust legal representation for individuals injured in any type of accident, including car accidents, truck accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, construction site accidents, dog bites, defective products cases, medical malpractice cases and wrongful death cases. Our lawyers work hard to understand your goals and objectives, so we can help you obtain the best possible outcome for your personal injury case.

We have more than 100 years of experience and have fought tenaciously to win millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Our attorneys will fight aggressively on your behalf and work to ensure you receive the entitled compensation. So, reach out today to schedule a free consultation to discuss how we could help you reach a favorable outcome in your case. Call us at 212-344-1000 or fill out this online form.

Do I Need To Hire a Personal Injury Attorney For a Taxicab Accident Case?

Accidents involving taxi cabs can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, loss of income and extended pain and suffering. If you were involved in an accident with a taxi cab driver, the best way to protect your rights is to hire the services of a leading personal injury attorney in New York City. Whether you were injured as a passenger, pedestrian or riding in another vehicle, an experienced attorney will evaluate your claim and can help you determine whether you have grounds for a lawsuit.

Despite the popularity of app-based ride-sharing services, traditional taxi cabs continue to be a common sight in New York. In New York City, the taxi industry operates under its own set of rules designed to protect passengers, drivers and pedestrians. Taxi companies can be structured in distinct ways, leading to varying legal liabilities for the company and its drivers. For example, the company may own several taxis it rents to drivers or consists of independent taxi drivers who drive for other people.

A committed and pro bowl quality New York taxicab accident lawyer will be able to tell you who is legally responsible for your injuries and damages: the driver, the taxi company, or a third party such as the car’s manufacturer.

Negligent Driving by Taxi Cab Drivers in New York

The importance of a taxi service cannot be overstated. There are often passengers who show up at the last minute and wish to avoid both the cost and stress of driving on congested roads or getting a parking violation. So, they appreciate the services offered by taxis.

But like many cities throughout the United States, New York City experiences an influx of cars on the road in areas with a high concentration of businesses. Unfortunately, this means that taxi drivers often indulge in negligent or reckless driving and are involved in accidents that cause injuries or even fatalities.

The average taxi driver’s income is directly proportional to the distance they drive. Therefore, they earn more if they drive more, which may make them potentially more likely to violate road safety rules or indulge in speeding or other forms of negligent driving behaviors during busy times of the day or night.

By speeding or driving in a hurry to navigate the traffic, the taxicab driver can complete more trips in a given period, increasing their income with little extra effort. They also sometimes tend to drive dangerously to try and avoid traffic jams or refuse to slow down for red lights and other cars. All of this may lead to driving stress and fatigue, making them less likely to pay attention to their surroundings and eventually leading to accidents.

Liability in Taxi Accidents in New York

As a taxi driver or a passenger in New York, it is essential to understand the laws and regulations surrounding liability in the event of an accident. Proving fault in a taxi accident is no easy task. The cab driver, the taxi company, the taxi manufacturer and the company maintaining taxis – each party may have a different level of responsibility.

Moreover, the proximity of the passenger and the driver in the same taxicab makes the determination even more challenging. With government agencies being responsible for taxi safety and insurance companies getting involved in the process, determining liability in such accidents gets complicated.

  • For passengers, the most crucial factor in determining whether the taxi driver was at fault for the accident. If the driver was negligent, reckless, or violated traffic laws, they may be liable for any injuries or damages sustained by the passenger. On the other hand, if the taxi driver was not at fault, the passenger may need to file a claim with their own insurance company.
  • In some cases, the taxi company may be liable for the accident if they were responsible for the driver’s training, maintenance of the vehicle, or other factors that contributed to the accident. For example, if the taxi company failed to maintain the car properly, which led to a mechanical failure that caused an accident, the company may be liable.

It’s essential to understand that liability in taxi accidents is not always clear-cut, and it may take an investigation to determine who is at fault. Therefore, to protect your rights, it’s recommended that you seek the advice of a personal injury attorney if you are involved in a taxi accident.

Liability Insurance Coverage for New York Taxi Accidents

Every day thousands of licensed New York City taxis transport a large number of passengers. Unfortunately, despite the general safety and reliability of cabs in the Big Apple, some taxi drivers engage in illegal or unsafe driving practices that increase the risk of accidents. Most cab accidents include lane change accidents, T-bone accidents, rear-end collisions, and hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist.

The city of New York has an efficient cab service. Taxi and Limousine Commission, or TLC, oversees ground transportation and the yellow medallion cabs that traverse throughout the five boroughs. While rideshare taxis have increased over the years, TLC still runs the taxi industry.

Liability insurance is the most basic form of insurance required by the New York City TLC. This insurance covers damages or injuries that a cab driver may cause to others while driving a taxi. The minimum liability insurance required by the commission is $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. In addition, drivers must carry $200,000 in personal injury protection coverage and $10,000 in property damage liability.

Benefits of Hiring a Taxi Accident Attorney to Recover Damages

When you’re involved in a car crash, the last thing you want is to be left without any financial recovery to pay for your medical costs, wage loss, and pain and suffering. An accomplished NYC taxi accident attorney can help you through this difficult time and ensure that you receive your rightful compensation. Here’s why you should have a proven and resourceful taxicab accident lawyer on your side in New York:

  • Experience: A lawyer with years of experience handling similar cases will know the ins and outs of the legal system to negotiate a fair settlement for their clients. They comprehensively understand personal injury laws and regulations surrounding cabs, allowing them to communicate effectively with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case.
  • Evidence Collection: An attorney can thoroughly investigate the accident, gather physical and forensic evidence, and interview witnesses to strengthen your case. This is especially important when figuring out how much your claim is worth. They can also ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process and that you don’t have any surprises.
  • Knowledge of Local Laws: Taxi accidents often involve multiple parties, including municipalities that maintain roads where accidents occur and the taxi driver and owner of any vehicle involved in an accident. Each party has different liability laws that apply specifically to them when it comes to paying compensation for injuries sustained. A taxi accident attorney can help you determine who is liable for your injuries and how much compensation you are entitled to receive.
  • Negotiation Skills: Taxi accident attorneys are experienced with the insurance companies’ tactics, which can be pretty frustrating for those who have just been in an accident. Insurance adjusters may propose lowball settlement offers to avoid paying the fair amount of damages. A taxi accident attorney, someone who has been through the legal minefields before and knows where to step in this process and where not to step, will know how to deal with this situation and work hard to get you a fair amount based on your injuries. Plus, they will also take care of the paperwork and negotiations so you can focus on recovering.

How Our New York Taxicab Accident Lawyers Can Help You?

Taxi cab accidents are common in New York City, where millions of people rely on taxis as their primary mode of transportation. Unfortunately, these accidents can result in serious injuries and even death, leaving victims and their families struggling to cope with the physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Our seasoned taxicab accident lawyers at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP understand the complexities of New York’s transportation laws and can help you navigate the legal process in the following ways:

  • Preserve all the evidence, including accident reports, black box data, photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, and traffic or dash camera footage.
  • Check the driver’s and taxi company’s past records of any accidents.
  • Understand how taxi insurance works, including uninsured motorist coverage (UMC) and underinsured motorist coverage (UIM), to negotiate for a settlement.
  • Work with doctors, nurses, and other experts to ensure that all injuries are properly diagnosed and treated.
  • Recreate the accident by working with experts in accident reconstruction. Establish liability through their help.
  • File lawsuits that hold companies accountable and secure the maximum amount possible. If settlements cannot be negotiated, seek court trials before juries.

Get Legal Help from Leading New York Taxi Cab Attorneys for Maximum Settlement

Taxi cab accidents can be devastating, especially when they result in serious injuries or death. Unfortunately, many people simply do not know how to deal with the aftermath of such an event, so they make bad decisions that end up costing them more money in the long run.

At Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP, our attorneys will guide you through each step of the process, so there’s no need to worry about paperwork or complicated legal proceedings. With over a century of experience representing clients who’ve suffered injuries due to taxi cabs, we’re highly qualified to handle your case as efficiently and effectively as possible.

When you hire us, we will do everything possible to help you reach a fair and just settlement for your needs. Our lawyers will fight tirelessly on your behalf to ensure you receive the resources you need to recover from this devastating event. Reach out to us at 212-344-1000 or contact us online for a free consultation. Our lawyers are ready to fight for you.

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April Johnson
April Johnson
15:54 30 Jun 23
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Benjamin Roussey
Benjamin Roussey
19:03 29 Jun 23
No firm gets it done like RMFW. They are the best.They are awesome - for sure.
Roberto Martinez
Roberto Martinez
19:02 24 May 23
I’ve been in the personal injury field as an investigator for 29 years. All in New York City. Out of all the hundreds of Law Firms I’ve worked with, Rosenberg Minc Falkoff & Wolf, would have to be at the very top of my list. Amazing staff great attorneys.If you want the job done right, these are you guys.
Julio Ochoa
Julio Ochoa
20:49 18 May 23
I highly recommend Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP for their outstanding assistance in obtaining a settlement for an Erb's Palsy birth injury case. Their knowledge, dedication, and compassionate attitude were important in attaining a successful end. Their professionalism and assistance were simply outstanding from beginning to end. I am deeply thankful for their representation and would enthusiastically recommend them to anyone seeking justice in a similar situation.
Aisha Neri
Aisha Neri
20:29 18 May 23
I recently had the privilege of working with Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP on my daughter’s birth injury case involving Erb's Palsy, and I cannot express enough gratitude for their exceptional legal services. From the initial consultation to the successful settlement, they demonstrated profound expertise, unwavering dedication, and genuine compassion for my family's situation.From the very beginning, the team proved their commitment to justice. They thoroughly investigated the circumstances surrounding my child Erb's Palsy birth injury, leaving no stone unturned. Their extensive knowledge and understanding of medical malpractice law, coupled with their deep expertise in birth injury cases, provided us with tremendous confidence in their ability to handle our case.The attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff consistently displayed exceptional professionalism and attention to detail throughout the entire legal process. They meticulously gathered evidence, consulted with medical experts, and built a compelling case that clearly outlined the negligence and liability on the part of the medical professionals involved. One aspect that truly stood out was the genuine care and compassion exhibited by Daniel Minc, Lorraine Licul, and the entire team at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff. They treated us not just as clients but as individuals with unique emotions and concerns. They took the time to listen attentively to our worries, provided constant updates on the progress of our case, and promptly responded to our inquiries, ensuring we felt supported and reassured throughout the process. Their empathy and understanding made an immeasurable difference during such a challenging and emotionally taxing time.When it came time to negotiate a settlement, Daniel Minc demonstrated remarkable skill and tenacity. He fought fiercely on our behalf, advocating for fair compensation to cover any potential long-term effects of Erb's Palsy on my child's life. His negotiation skills were truly impressive, as they secured a settlement that exceeded our expectations and provided the financial resources necessary to support my child's future needs.I cannot recommend Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff highly enough to anyone seeking legal representation in Erb's Palsy birth injury cases or any other medical malpractice matters. Their extensive experience, unwavering dedication, and empathetic approach make them an exceptional choice for families navigating the complexities of birth injury litigation. Thanks to Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, my family now has the means to provide the best care and opportunities for my child's future.If you are seeking a law firm that combines legal expertise with genuine compassion, look no further than Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP. They will tirelessly fight for your rights and ensure your voice is heard, providing you with the support and justice you deserve.
Aoki R
Aoki R
17:14 17 May 23
I highly recommend Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP. They are a team of dedicated professionals fully committed to their clients. I have witnessed the firm's amazing work ethic in my experience with their attorneys and Lorraine Licul. Lorraine is a knowledable, empathetic and results-driven professional. Minc is an excellent attorney and I greatly appreciate the firm's expertise.
Michael Levites
Michael Levites
17:42 12 May 23
I have recommended this firm to some of my friends and I heard back only positive feedback about the client responsiveness, diligence and hard work put in by these attorneys. I will continue to refer anyone who suffered a personal injury to Rosenberg Minc..
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