A Q10 MTA bus traveling on Northern Boulevard in Flushing was hit by a van on its side injuring 10, four of them critically and five seriously. The bus had no passengers and its driver was injured, while the nine others injured were travelling in the van. All the injured were taken to the New York Hospital, Queens.
Causes by Automobile Accidents
Many of the injuries sustained in an automobile accident are serious or critical because of the speeds at which these vehicles travel. When an automobile accident occurs, police investigate it to determine its cause and identify the at fault driver.
Some vehicle accidents are caused by problems with the brake or other parts of the car. This can either be because of a manufacturer fault or a mechanics fault caused by faulty servicing. At other times, the condition of the road – bad light, icy roads, and so on lead to the auto accident. Yet another cause of vehicle accidents is faulty or reckless driving by a drunk driver or someone who is simply speeding.
Personal Injury
Once the police investigation determines the cause of the accident, the injured can expect financial compensation from the insurance company of the at fault driver or vehicle manufacturer. However, in order to ensure that an accident victim receives the financial compensation due to them, they should if possible take a photo of the accident scene, keep complete medical records of their injuries and treatment, as well as a full record of all expenses incurred by them for the treatment and caused by the injury.
Apart from recording the accident and the injuries, a person injured in a vehicle accident should also retain a personal injury lawyer in New York for winning the personal injury lawsuit.
Insurance Adjuster
When you have been injured in an automobile accident you should first retain the services of a competent personal injury lawyer for filing a personal injury lawsuit and only then talk with the insurance adjuster. The injured person should never make a statement to the adjuster without consulting the lawyer and should only sign papers vetted by the lawyer. This is because some insurance adjusters will offer a lower compensation than what you are entitled to and close the file even before you become aware of the full extent of your injuries.
Financial Compensation
A person injured in an automobile accident is entitled to receive financial compensation for the treatment of injuries sustained, loss of earnings and income, additional expenses incurred – for instance, to hire someone to complete household chores they were carrying out before the accident, expenses incurred in modifying the home to make it accessible during the recovery period – for instance, widening doors to accommodate a wheelchair, and so on. In addition, the injured person is entitled to receive compensation for the pain and suffering endured specified under the personal injury lawsuit.
Court Option
In case the insurance company does not agree to pay the fair financial compensation due to the injured person, a personal injury lawyer in New York will file a case in court to obtain a better settlement.