Millions of children in the United States arrive to school by a school bus. There are about 17,000 school bus accident related injuries that are reported each year in the United States of America. These accidents endanger the well-being and lives of children riding the school buses. There are some kids who will recuperate quickly from their ordeal, but some who will take longer to recover from their personal injury.
You may be entitled to financial compensation if your child was injured in a school bus accident – even if they were not even in the bus at the time. This could be returning to or headed to school – you may need a lawyer for your child and family. You might be entitled to financial compensation in a person injury lawsuit if your child has been the victim of a school bus accident, and has been injured. You might be liable to receive compensation to pay for their past, current and future medical bills, for your own missed work hours and lost wages, as well as for pain and suffering that might be endured during and in the future, due to such an accident.
School Bus Safety Facts
- School buses are designed in such a manner that they are safer than passenger vehicles in preventing injuries that result from crashes.
- According to studies conducted, students are 50 times more likely to arrive at school alive if they take the bus, than if they ride with friends or drive themselves.
- An annual estimated 17.3 million cars are kept off roadways surrounding schools every morning due to school buses.
- 174 children died in school-transportation related crashes from the year 2003 to 2012 across the United States.
- 119 of those children were pedestrians and 55 of those children were occupants of school transportation vehicles.
Common Injuries
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, school bus accidents make up about 39% of bus related injuries. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, school bus accidents make up about 39% of bus related injuries. The most common type of accident in which students and pedestrians are injured is when the school bus rolls. Accidents like these may cause injuries such as abrasion, bruising, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, neck, and back injuries. You should immediately contact a qualified personal injury lawyer if you or your child has been a victim of a school bus accident related injury or accident.
Your Legal Rights
You should fully understand your legal rights or the legal rights of your child as a victim in an accident involving a school bus. It is also important to understand the rights that a school has in a situation such as this. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to familiarize you with all the nuances. The rights and laws of victims vary depending on several factors and circumstances. That is why it is essential to hire the services of a personal injury lawyer to sort through all the legalities and to ensure that you are receiving the compensation you deserve in a timely manner.
What to do After a School Bus Accident?
The first thing you should do after an accident is start collecting evidence. You can ask bystanders for their statements and also if they would be a witness in your case. Don’t forget to keep all the medical paperwork of your or your child’s injuries just in case you need them at a later date. And you most certainly will!