The most common surgery performed in hospitals in the United States is not on the heart or back or hips or knees. It is a caesarean section. Approximately 1 of every 3 infants born in the country are delivered by c-section each year, which is about 1.3 million babies.

In 2013, the rate of caesarean section births in the US was 32.7%, which is well above the 10% to 15% that the World Health Organization says is the "medically necessary" target.

A cesarean section is a surgical procedure where the doctor makes an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus to help deliver her child. It is normally performed when there is a risk in the safety of the mother or baby. Although C-sections are routine, there are times when complications do occur. Most doctors have the knowledge and skill to deal with these complications, but there are times when the mother or child is put under unnecessary harm.

Injuries to the Baby

During the delivery, cesarean section complications may cause distress to the baby or mother. When such an incident arises, the doctor and hospital staff must be ready to act quickly. If proper medical protocol is not followed, it may result in a serious birth injury to the baby.

Common child birth injuries include:

  • Abrasions, lacerations and scarring - The doctor may make an incision that is too deep, causing abrasions, lacerations, or bruising to the baby. In some cases, a deep laceration may require stitches, which then results in permanent scarring.
  • Oxygen deprivation - When a c-section is delayed, the child may be deprived of oxygen. When oxygen is deprived, the child may suffer cerebral palsy or developmental injuries.
  • Premature birth - When a c-section is performed too early in a pregnancy, the baby's heart, lungs or other organs may not be developed enough as compared to a healthy delivery.
  • Erb's Palsy - This condition occurs when there is a problem in dislodging the baby and uses excess force, resulting in injury to the brachial plexus nerve group in the baby's shoulder area. Usually, Erb's Palsy is caused when a doctor fails to perform a caesarean section.
  • Wrongful death - In extreme cases, the combined effects of the errors in c-section procedure or delivery of the child can lead to the wrongful death of the baby.

Parents can file a legal action against the doctor for causing c-section complications and birth injuries. An experienced medical malpractice attorney can help them get compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress and other damages.

We Know How to Win Cases

If you or a loved one has lost a child or your child has suffered injury as a result of c-section complications, you should immediately seek the help of a qualified and experienced medical malpractice attorney at Rosenberg, Minc, Falloff, & Wolff of RMFW Law at 212-344-1000. You can find out how to file a malpractice claim against the negligent doctor if your case is viable.

We need to determine that. What do you have to say? What really happened? Give us a call so we can discuss this. We have won millions of dollars for past clients, you too can be on this exceptional list. 


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