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Street Sweeper Personal Injury Claims in NY: A Short Guide

Keeping the roads of a busy and bustling city clean is no small task. New York City’s Department of Sanitation achieves this through the use of street sweepers. Considering their huge size, these machines require a lot of space and if you are not careful around one of these vehicles, you may find yourself hurt in an accident that has devastating consequences. If the accident involving a street sweeper is found to have been caused due to the negligence of the person driving it, the city can be considered at fault for the incident.

Types of Bone Fracture Injuries That May Occur in New York

Fractures or broken bones are quite common after a slip and fall, car crash, or sports accident in the New York area. Accidents tend to result in broken bone(s) because of the tremendous force being exerted on your body. Any bone in your body can fracture or break because of severe trauma. Fractures are usually the result of a fall or the force of the accident.

What Happens if You Are Injured in a Rental Car in New York?

When you a rent a car, you may be tempted to waive the supplemental insurance of the rental company to reduce your cost. That is the first instinct of many people because nobody imagines that they could be involved in a car crash with just one trip in a rental car. However, the harsh reality is that accidents can happen anytime, and they do happen even when you are driving a rental car.

Your rental car accident in New York may occur due to another driver’s negligence even if you are a careful driver yourself. It’s vital to understand who could be held liable in a rental car accident personal injury case, and how you can obtain maximum compensation for your injuries.

Personal Injury Liability in an Uber or Lyft Accident in New York

Ride-hailing apps have become increasingly popular in New York in recent years. Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing companies have witnessed a rapid rise in their business and have taken away market share from traditional taxi services. But accidents involving ridesharing vehicles such as Uber or Lyft are not uncommon. Users of these services must know how they can be compensated if they suffer personal injuries in these accidents.

If you have suffered injuries in any way as a result of a ridesharing cab accident, you could be eligible to receive damages for your medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering. Insurance and liability laws related to ridesharing app accidents are more complex, and you need legal guidance from a New York attorney with knowledge of these laws.

Proving Drunk Driving will Strengthen Your New York Personal Injury Lawsuit

Drunk Driving Accidents

When you are on the road, you want to take the best possible precautions to keep yourself and others safe. But accidents still do happen, and road safety is not always in your own hands. How other people behave on the road also factors into your safety. Some careless drivers on the road may not think twice before putting another in danger. This particularly includes individuals who think drinking and driving is acceptable. A driver operating a car under the influence of alcohol isn’t just dangerous, it is also illegal. Alcohol content in the blood can alter motor skills and cognitive abilities of a person. It is possible that a drunk driver may react more slowly and differently that could result in an accident. This is a clear example of negligence and one that can be avoided. The New York City drunk driving injury attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP are dedicated to helping victims seek the compensation they deserve so as to cover their damages from an accident.

How to Prove Your Case for Personal Injury Damages in a New York Car Accident?

Car Accident Attorneys

One of the most common causes for serious personal injuries and deaths in the United States is motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, automobile accidents are still quite common and rampant despite the significant improvements in safety of cars and advancements made in automotive technology. In fact, vehicle accident lawsuits and claims are among the most common civil tort cases filed by lawyers today. However, it’s crucial to understand that every vehicle crash does not warrant litigation. No-fault laws of New York come into force when injuries sustained are not considered serious or there are no injuries at all. These laws are responsible for governing injury claims and restricting recovery. In addition, serious injuries as a result of car accidents tend to have better chances of obtaining successful recoveries. Car accidents are that class of tort cases, which in most part, are derived from the basic tort principles amounting to negligence. In general, negligence is a term used to describe the lack of ordinary care. It can be better explained as the failure to use a degree of reasonable care which any prudent person would exercise in similar circumstances. Negligence may constitute the failure to perform an act that any other reasonably prudent person would do under similar circumstances. It may also occur from doing an act that any other prudent person would refrain from doing under similar circumstances.

Don’t Ignore Distracted Driving if a Negligent Car Driver Injured You in New York

Driving Accidents Due to Texting

Distracted car drivers cause over a thousand injuries each day on an average in the United States. There have been approximately 400,000 instances of distracted driving per year since 2015 that have resulted in injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report, according to which 20% of all car accidents are the direct result of distracted driving. Distracted driving involves all actions that take away a car driver’s attention from the road. These drivers significantly increase the risk of car accidents and injuries while focusing on non-driving activities.

Statistics Regarding Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has been around ever since automobiles have been on the roads. Drivers have always felt tempted to adopt novel ways of combating the sheer boredom or monotony associated with driving. Complacency can easily set in when any length of time is spent sitting in the driver’s seat. The danger begins when people grow increasingly comfortable on the driver’s seat. This is when they tend to succumb to diversions. But, distracted or negligent driving is not acceptable as a cure for road boredom. These are a few shocking figures regarding distracted driving in the United States:

Manhole Explosions Create a Risk of Injury in NYC

In New York City, manhole covers can present a hidden risk to passerby and to construction workers. Those who sustain injury as a result of an  incident involving a manhole cover should consult with a New York City injury lawyer to determine if they  have an options available to them for pursing a claim for […]

Accidental Injuries Are the Third Leading Cause of Death

According to the National Safety Council, unintentional and preventable injuries have become one of the top causes of deaths within the United States. Accidental injuries are injuries that should not have happened and when a death occurs because of an accidental injury, it is important to determine if someone else’s negligence of wrongdoing caused the […]