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“Don’ts” That Will Help Maximize Your NYC Injury Claim

New Yorkers who have been injured in any type of accident generally file a personal injury claim to recover damages from the party at fault. These types of claims require several integral documents to be filed and knowing what records will be necessary to support your claim is vital to recovering compensation. At the same time, you must also stay alert to the things that you must avoid doing so that you don’t unknowingly jeopardize your chances of winning a large compensation. Read on to know more about the “Don’ts” that you need to pay attention to after your accident in NYC.

School Accident Personal Injury Claim For Your Child in NY

As parents, we expect that our children will be safe at school where they are being supervised by teachers and other school officials. However, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that every year in the US, close to 4 million students are injured in school-related accidents. In most such school accidents, it is the negligence of the school staff that is responsible for the injuries our children suffer and it is vital that they be held accountable for the damage they cause.

Scarring And Disfigurement Injury Claims in New York

With the advancements in medical technology, it is now possible to treat most injuries that may be caused during an accident. However, some injuries are so grave that they may lead to scarring and disfigurement. While this term generally refers to physical injuries such as burns or amputation, it could also be used to indicate emotional scars left after the accident, which often take far longer to heal.

Will a Criminal Record Affect Your NY Personal Injury Claim?

When you have been hurt in an incident due to another person’s negligence, the logical next step is to file a New York personal injury claim for the damages you suffered. However, it is important to understand that the other party will not silently pay up the amount that you claim. The defendant will often do their best to reduce the amount you are awarded by using a number of legal tactics.

Why You Should Hire an NYC Personal Injury Lawyer (And When)  

If you are a victim of an accident, there can be several questions running through your mind at the same time as you are trying to handle the trauma of the accident and the complications from your injuries. Understandably, one of the first questions that come to mind is the legal implications of the accident, and whether you need to retain a personal injury lawyer to handle those implications.

Can Creditors Take Away Your NYC Personal Injury Settlement?

The settlement amount that you win after a car accident can go a long way in helping you pay for your medical bills and other expenses if you were recently injured in an accident. However, you may be subject to garnishment action at the hands of creditors if you owe a large debt.

Negligence Can Cause Playground Injuries to Your Child in NY

Nothing brings more pleasure to a parent than to watch their children play happily on a playground. Hearing the shrills of delight while at the swing sets is heart-warming. Parents think their children are safe as long as they have an eye on them. Unfortunately, outdoor play areas while welcoming and appealing can pose a serious threat to children of all ages.

Do Seat Belt Failures Cause Personal Injury in New York?

Seat Belt Failures Cause Personal Injury in New York

Seat belts are a major safety factor that can prevent injuries in an accident. According to data from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of critical injury by 50 percent. In the more severe accidents, failing to use a seat belt can often be the difference between life and death. However, there may be instances where seat belts may not function as intended and sometimes, they may even be the cause of injury to car occupants.

NYC Man Wins $101 Million Payout After Skull Injury at Jones Beach Event

A 36-year-old Long Island resident won a massive $101 million verdict after an accident at a 2013 concert left him with a life-threatening skull fracture. The organizers of the event, Live Nation, are legally obliged to compensate Mark Perez for past, present, and future sufferings, medical expenses, and lost earnings. Since the accident, Perez has undergone four brain surgeries and suffers from some permanent disabilities. 

How Much is Your Serious Injury Case Worth in NYC?

Being injured in a car accident in New York can leave you with not just serious medical injuries, but also considerable financial loss. Besides paying for your medical treatment and rehabilitation, you also need to meet expenses to cover the damage to your car. The fact that you may not be able to get back to work due to your ill health may mean a loss of wages. If your accident has been caused due to the negligence of another party, filing a personal injury case can help you recover damages for your loss, pain, and suffering.