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In New York, who is at fault for a birth injury?

Every parent hopes that their child will be born happy and healthy. Unfortunately, when mistakes are made in the delivery room or a member of the hospital staff misses a warning sign, children and mothers can suffer serious injuries that can require everything from extensive medical treatment to long-term care.

BROOKLYN: Baby Killed After Stroller Falls Down Dangerous Elevator Shaft

BROOKLYN, NEW YORK (October 16, 2016)  A baby has died in a tragic elevator accident after her stroller plunged down an elevator shaft, according to abc news. The accident happened after the doors to the elevator opened and the woman stepped through only to realize that the elevator was below. The woman and her infant […]

WATERFORD: Four Vehicle Car Accident Kills Waterfront Teen

WATERFORD, NEW YORK (October 16, 2016)  A teenage native of Waterfield has been the most recent fatality of a deadly four- way car accident that occurred in Latham New York. The four way car crash that occurred near the Miller Road Miller Road overpass around 6:45 p.m. Tuesday. This deadly collision also took the life […]

Dementia in people under 60 often overlooked

Neurologists in New York must consider symptoms and neural imagining in order to accurately diagnose dementia diseases. Alzheimer’s disease is often presumed to be present in people exhibiting changes in behavior, language, motor skills and personality, but frontotemporal lobar degeneration and primary progressive aphasias represent two diseases that could also cause these problems.

Medical errors behind thousands of deaths annually

The BMJ has published a study indicating that medical errors result in between 200,000 and 400,000 deaths annually across the United States. The BMJ estimate took into account diagnostic errors, communications breakdowns, systems failures, inadequate skill and poor judgment. The focus of the study was fatalities that occur secondary to a medical error, and many occurred in New York.

Study shows different medical errors for men, women

New York patients may be interested in the results of a study that found that men and women encounter different safety issues in medical situations. For example, women are more likely to have adverse reactions to drugs that they have been administered, ranging from rashes to low blood pressure to changes in their mental state. Men are more likely to get abrasions and cuts.

Ovarian cancer and the signs your doctor could be missing

Women throughout the country are urged by their health care providers to get annual screenings in order to detect possibly deadly diseases and illnesses, such as cancer, before they reach their advanced stages. In addition, women are also encouraged to talk to their doctor about any symptoms they are experiencing that could indicate a serious health problem.

When to seek a second opinion

While New Yorkers likely have trusting relationships with their doctors, there are certain times when they should seek second opinions to make certain that the diagnosis or treatment regimen that has been proposed is appropriate. Health care practitioners sometimes make diagnostic or treatment mistakes, which can cause serious repercussions for patients.