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Steps Of A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Filing a personal injury lawsuit is a powerful way of getting the responsible party to pay for your damages and injury. Generally, the only way for an injured victim to get the compensation they deserve is through a personal injury lawsuit. Insurance companies in New York often deny or reduce settlement for complicated injury claims or high-dollar claims unless litigation is involved.

You should talk to an experienced personal injury attorney in New York that understands your unique circumstances. Filing a personal injury lawsuit is appropriate when the negligent party and their insurance company are unwilling to compensate you fairly for the damages. While each personal injury lawsuit is unique, there are a few common steps.

In this guide, we will discuss the various steps involved in pursuing a personal injury lawsuit.

How Do I Find A Good Lawyer For Personal Injury?

Personal injury claims are complicated, and the compensation you’ll receive often depends on the type of accident and injury, New York’s applicable personal injury laws, and what kind of legal representation you have.

If you’re on the lookout for a solid personal injury lawyer, asking your family, friends, or colleagues might be a good place to start. Of course, there’s no way to guarantee you’ll acquire a decent lawyer this way, so it is best to review the websites of leading New York personal injury law firms, such as Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP. We have a proven track record of large settlements and verdicts, and have recovered more than a billion dollars for our clients in New York.

Why Do Most Personal Injury Cases Settle?

When a person is injured due to another person’s negligence, there are several legal approaches to pursue compensation. The most traditional is to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party. Based on this, most personal injury claims in New York are settled out of court. This settlement process is relatively shorter, more predictable and highly effective as long as you have strong legal representation from an experienced New York personal injury law firm.

Personal injury claims can be complicated and time-consuming when you are taking on large insurance companies and powerful defendants. But with the right legal help, you can focus on recovering from your injuries instead of worrying about the case itself, while your New York personal injury lawyer fights to obtain maximum financial damages on your behalf from the defendants.

How to Prove You Are Not At Fault in a Car Accident

not at fault car accident1

No matter how a car accident occurs, it can really shake you up. One minute, you’re driving to work or taking your children to school. The next minute, your car is all banged up. You may very well be injured too, and the entire incident can be incredibly upsetting, leaving you afraid of driving for a while.  

Perhaps someone rear-ended your vehicle and caused damage or left you and your passengers with injuries. 

Even in a no-fault state like New York, you can recover money for these damages. With Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff, & Wolff, LLP, you’ll have a team of personal injury lawyers standing up for you to help you recuperate your losses.

Pedestrian Deaths

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Pedestrian deaths are an unfortunate danger in the US, and they can occur to anyone, at any time, and anywhere. At RMFW Law, we have a number of personal injury lawyers who can get you the compensation that you deserve, if you ever need to make a claim

We’ve looked at data from between 2012 and 2020, to find out which states have recorded the most and least pedestrian deaths, as well as which states have recorded the highest and lowest number of pedestrian deaths per 100,000. 

As the number of pedestrian deaths changes each year, we’ve also used this data to create an average for each state.

Why Are Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

truck accidents dangerous

Truck accidents are a frequent occurrence in New York despite various laws in place to enforce responsible truck driving. The results are almost always catastrophic when large trucks collide with smaller vehicles. Commercial trucks are much larger than passenger vehicles, so even a minor accident with a truck can have a serious impact. A truck weighs several tons, and the cargo being carried could be extremely heavy – both of which can significantly increase the severity of the crash and cause more serious injuries than one might typically receive in an accident.

The aftermath of a truck accident can be complex and confusing. If you’re injured in an accident with a big rig, you’ll likely need extensive medical treatment and long-term care, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And even though the medical insurance will probably cover some of these costs, there may be gaps in coverage that you’ll have to cover out of pocket. In addition, if you were injured seriously enough to miss work due to the crash, your employer may not provide paid leave until you’re back on your feet again.

The circumstances and the repercussions of your accident could leave you reeling. Work with our truck accident attorneys in New York City to evaluate your case and hold the responsible party liable for the damages, injuries, and losses you incurred.

Is Speeding A Cause Of Accidents?

speeding cause accident

Speeding reduces a driver’s reaction time, increasing the likelihood of a collision. It also shortens the stopping distance and can dangerously change the angle at which a driver is able to brake. When you’re in a hurry, it’s tempting to disregard the speed limit and not worry about other vehicles or pedestrians on the road. But driving faster than what is safe for the road conditions can put you in danger of getting into an accident, receiving a traffic citation, or injuring or even killing other road users.

Sometimes, a few extra miles per hour could mean the difference between life and death. Speeding drivers may be less likely to see pedestrians and bicyclists on sidewalks or crosswalks. They’re also less likely to see other vehicles at intersections and oncoming vehicles when turning left or right onto streets with multiple lanes.

If you’ve been injured in an accident with a negligent, speeding driver, contact an attorney at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP immediately to discuss your legal options for pursuing compensation against the at-fault driver.

What Is The Most Common Motorcycle Injury?

motorcycle injury common

Riding a motorbike is usually a fun and invigorating experience. It’s something millions of people all over the world love to do. Moreover, whether you ride some of the biggest superbikes in the world or drive a classic chopper, there are risks associated with riding. A motorcycle offers little to no protection in the case of an accident, meaning that motorcyclists involved in accidents will have injuries that are more severe than those of drivers and passengers in other vehicles.

You’re entitled to financial compensation for your injuries if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident. A personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights, including legal representation during negotiations, court proceedings, and any appeals, file the necessary paperwork and work with experts to build the most robust case possible.

According to NHTSA, most fatalities involving motorcycles result when the front of the bike strikes an object. The amount of compensation that you can claim is directly proportional to the severity of your injuries. Let us look at some of the more common injuries suffered by motorcycle riders in New York.

Why You Need A Bicycle Accident Lawyer?

Bicycle accidents and injuries can occur when you least expect them. While riding your bicycle, you are sharing the road with a large number of motor vehicles. Most of these vehicles are driven by motorists who aren’t accustomed to sharing their road space with cyclists. These drivers aren’t always paying attention and may not be expecting a cyclist to dart out in front of them. With that said, when a collision occurs, the result is often serious injury or even death.

If you were struck by a car while riding your bike on a New York City street or sidewalk and suffered injuries due to this accident, you might be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. With the help of our skilled bicycle accident attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP, you will be able to recover damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses resulting from the injuries sustained in the crash.

Can you sue for car accident?

Car accidents can happen for a wide variety of reasons. Pertaining to this, sometimes even the slightest fender-bender can leave you seriously injured. Claiming compensation after a serious injury in a car accident can be challenging for the victims and their families. Filing a claim is stressful, and it can be hard to know if it’s the right thing to do. In fact, not all car accidents will lead to financial compensation or court proceedings.

A bad situation is made worse when a car accident victim does not know how to handle the aftermath of the crash. When involved in a collision, whether it is your fault or not, it helps to know if you have a case and what steps to take next. To file a personal injury claim after a car accident, you must understand your rights and responsibilities under New York state laws. 

The legal system is complex, and determining if you can sue for a car accident is something our dedicated New York personal injury attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP can provide answers to. Here’s how you can go about it.