212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Can an Insurance Company Override the Doctor for a Settlement

The defense attorney thinks that the plaintiff has a wonderful medical malpractice case. However, he is unable to convince the doctor to start negotiations even when it is completely logical to do so. Can the insurance company override the doctor’s refusal to begin to negotiate?

Can an Entire Testimony of a Witness be Read out Again

It is the end of your medical malpractice trial and the jury is now deliberating or deciding who could be more likely right than wrong. However, while deliberating, they send a note to the judge, requesting the testimony of a particular witness be read back in its entirety. Will the judge allow that expert witness’s testimony to be read back from start to finish?

What happens when the Hospital Loses Your Medical Records

You are planning to submit a medical malpractice lawsuit for the injuries your baby has suffered due to improper obstetrical care during the time of your delivery. However, when you try to attain copies of your medical records, you are told by the hospital that they cannot locate the electronic fetal monitoring strips, for instance. Now if you go ahead with the lawsuit, what can happen to the hospital because they cannot locate your baby’s medical records?

What happens when the Attorney wants to go on Vacation when the Trial is about to Start

The judge tells the attorneys during the pretrial conference that the medical malpractice trial will start in two weeks, and one of the attorneys says he is going on vacation and requests the judge to delay the trial. Will the judge acknowledge and accept the fact that the attorney is going away on vacation, or will he make the attorney cancel his vacation.

Can a Judge Dismiss a Case after Hearing the Opening Remarks

You have filed a medical malpractice case in New York and your lawyer has just finished making his opening remarks at the beginning of trial. The judge after hearing the opening remarks says he is dismissing your case. Can the judge dismiss your case based on the opening remarks of you lawyer, even before the defense lawyer has had a chance to make his opening remarks?