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Many people are reluctant to file a medical malpractice case, even when they feel their injuries are caused by the negligence or carelessness of their doctor(s). Here are some of the main reasons why you might not feel like suing your doctor.

Many people are reluctant to file a medical malpractice case, even when they feel their injuries are caused by the negligence or carelessness of their doctor(s). Here are some of the main reasons why you might not feel like suing your doctor.

You like Your Doctor

We all go to doctors for the benefit of getting better. When we are sick, we put our faith and trust in doctors, hoping that they will do the right thing and make us better. However, what happens when they do not, and cause you injury due to improper medical care. Hence, should the fact that you like your doctor prevent you from invoking a lawsuit? It might make you uncomfortable, but when you consider the disabling injury you have suffered, and how it is going to affect you for the rest of your life, you might think twice, and find it appropriate to sue your doctor even though you still like him.

What Value will the Compensation Money Bring?

This is often asked by defense attorneys to victims during a medical malpractice case. The reasoning is that you cannot use the money since you are disabled or admitted to a health care facility. However, in the system of justice there is no other way of compensating a victim, except with money. Apologies and letters in the mail normally do not suffice.

The clock cannot be turned back to make the injury go away, and so the system allows us to seek compensation, so that the money is used for the benefit of the injured party, as well as for their family members. The money will pay for the best medical care that is available in the marketplace, and it will help the family of the victim to cope with injured person’s disabilities.

The Reputation of the Doctor will be Tarnished

This is not true in the contemporary setting that we live in because most people recognize that just because someone is being sued does not mean that he or she is a bad person, or that person has done something wrong. It is for the jury to determine ultimately, whether the claim that is being made has merit, and if so, whether the person should be compensated.

Even then, it does not necessarily tarnish the reputation of the particular doctor. However, if the doctor has been sued many times, you can seriously question the doctor’s work ethics and his knowledge of medicine. This usually does not happen, and mostly specialist doctors are sued a few times. People understand that many patients could be unhappy with outcomes and might blame doctors even if they are not responsible.

Doctor might Face Social Stigma

Just because a doctor is being sued, he will not necessarily be banished from the community. It might be uncomfortable for the doctor to disclose that he is being subjected to a lawsuit, but until the jury determines and a final determination has been made by the appeals court that the doctor is responsible and must compensate the victim, there will be no stigma when the lawsuit is in session.