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Filing for a Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in New York

Medical negligence at the time of birth can lead to several tragic scenarios. One of which is that your child may be born with severe brain damage due to an untimely delivery, or because the baby’s heart rate dropped below the minimum level at some point during the birth process. The resulting loss of oxygen to the fetus can cause asphyxiation, leading to a permanent brain injury.

Mother claims failure to diagnose led to son’s death

It is essential to the well-being or an unborn child that a mother is properly cared for during her pregnancy. This means not only making sure the mother is doing the basics — eating right and taking the proper vitamins — but the doctors caring for the woman also need to be weighing all risk factors when providing care during pregnancy.

Is bed rest really the best for high risk pregnancies?

Women with high risk pregnancies may think bed rest is going to be a given. Not wanting to cause any more harm, their doctor is simply going to order them off of their feet. This means no working and an activity restriction. The idea is the mom-to-be needs to be staying in bed and getting plenty of rest.