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Can Your Attorney call a Press Conference in Your Medical Malpractice Case

You feel you have been injured due to the negligence of your doctor or because your doctor violated the basis standards of good and accepted medical care. Now you have filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, and during the trial, your attorney wants to give a press conference regarding your case. Can he do that, and why? The answer is that your attorney has every right to call a press conference.

Violation of Basic Standards of Medical Care

In a medical malpractice case it is critical to explain to the jury, what were the expected standards of care in the treatment how were these standards violated, and why such violation made a difference? For instance, you may have consulted a doctor for some health issue, and after receiving treatment from the doctor, you end up with an injury rather than getting back on track and getting your health back. You would want to know, whether the doctor has violated the basic standards of care that caused you harm.

While the Jury Deliberates

What should you do when the jury is deliberating? You have filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, it has gone all the way to trial, and at the end, the jury has moved on to deliberate. What do you do in the mean time? The jury could deliberate the case for a few minutes or they could take many hours or longer, for them to reach a verdict.

Objections Raised During a Deposition

In a medical malpractice case there could be instances where one of the defense attorneys could start screaming and yelling at the plaintiff’s lawyer during deposition. For instance, the plaintiff’s lawyer was taking pretrial testimony of an obstetrician in a medical malpractice case involving failure to deliver a baby in a timely manner, which caused significant injuries to the precious baby.

What happens when an Expert Witness Lies about Payment

A lie told by the expert witness on the stand can change the whole course of the case. In a medical malpractice case, the defense attorney puts an expert witness on the stand. This witness is an orthopedic doctor, who is brought in to testify on behalf of the defense. During the questioning, the defense lawyer asks the orthopedist whether he is being paid to come and give his expert testimony.