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Childbirth and Medical Malpractice

Statistics show that in the United States, approximately 27 of every 1,000 births results in a birth injury. A study on childbirth and medical malpractice reported that the main causes of injury during childbirth are lack of oxygen in 59.8 percent of cases, bowel movement in utero in 26.0 percent, baby too large for vaginal canal in 20.5 percent, entangled umbilical in 14.2 percent as well as many other possible causes.

C-Section Injuries and What You need to Know about Them

Any parent would be devastated to know that their baby has suffered injury or has a medical complication because of c-section mistakes. Healthcare professionals and doctors in the delivery room have a fantastic responsibility of safe and sound delivery of an infant.

Medical Malpractice Surrounding Doctor’s Failure to Detect Fetal Distress

When an unborn baby suffers fetal distress inside the mother’s womb, this phenomenon typically indicates that the baby is not getting adequate oxygen supply. The fetal monitoring strip, used by a New York hospital’s medical staff to monitor a baby’s heart, guides the obstetrician and supporting staff when to deliver the baby.

Personal Injury Cases Resulting from Faulty Caesarian Operations

Although a published research report states that about 33% of all baby deliveries in US are conducted via Cesarean operations, some inherent risks are involved in conducting a baby delivery through this procedure. When conducting a Caesarian operation, if an obstetrician fails to respond to a sudden emergency situation in a timely manner, such failure can lead to a serious injury to the mother or the baby or both.

Medical Malpractice in Birth Defects or Birth Injuries

As most parents await the most precious moment of birth of a newborn, the deliveries of new babies generally go smoothly. Sometimes, pregnancies can get complicated due to various reasons often resulting in birth injuries or birth defects. If as a new parent in the state of New York, you have been a victim of such a horrible situation, then you ought to know your legal rights to protect yourself and your new-born baby.

Birth Injuries – Determining Medical Malpractice Liability

Assisted birth is a medical term used often by gynecologists when certain instruments like the forceps or a vacuum device is used to gently pull the baby into the canal birth for the birthing process. These medical instruments are used to hold the head and thrust it into the canal for a vaginal birth.