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Medical Malpractice: Gynecological & Obstetrics Cases

Pregnant Woman in Pain.jpg

Pregnant Woman in Pain.jpgThe birth of a child is always a joyous occasion for any parent or family. However, it is also seen that due to doctors’ errors during the birthing process, either the mother or child or both have been negatively affected, resulting in irreparable harm and injury.

Family sues federal government over birth injury

New York residents who are harmed as a result of medical malpractice may file a lawsuit against the at-fault facility or practitioner. This is true even if the lawsuit is against the federal government when it has funded a health care facility. Although lawsuits against the federal government are normally prohibited, they are permitted in a case of medical malpractice under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

Should you sue the doctor for your baby’s birth injuries?

When parents are faced with an infant who suffered injuries just before or during the birth process, the future is uncertain. Some birth injuries are minor and will fade quickly, leaving no lasting effects. Others, however, can be disabling and incapacitating for the duration of your child’s life.

What is the New York Medical Indemnity Fund?

Children who have a birth injury shouldn’t have to suffer from the consequences of a doctor or medical professional’s negligence. They should be taken care of financially and have all of their medical needs compensated.

FAQs about Birth Injuries

Each year, 6 to 8 out of every 1,000 infants born in the United States are born with a burn injury. This means that roughly 1 in every 9,714 individuals in the country are born with a birth injury. The 10 most common birth injuries include cerebral palsy, bone fractures, Erb’s Palsy (Brachial Plexus Palsy), perinatal asphyxia, caput succedaneum, cephalohematoma, intracranial hemorrhage, facial paralysis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and spinal cord injuries.

In New York, who is at fault for a birth injury?

Every parent hopes that their child will be born happy and healthy. Unfortunately, when mistakes are made in the delivery room or a member of the hospital staff misses a warning sign, children and mothers can suffer serious injuries that can require everything from extensive medical treatment to long-term care.

Reducing the risk of congenital CP for New York mothers

If an infant gets cerebral palsy because of brain damage prior to being born or during the delivery process, it is referred to as congenital cerebral palsy. Data shows that the vast majority of all people who have cerebral palsy have the congenital form Babies who are born weighing less than 5.5 pounds could be at a higher risk for congenital CP as well as those who are born prematurely.

How a single birth injury can end up costing you your life

As functioning members of society, we can easily imagine what we would miss if we lost the ability to perform even the most simplest of tasks. Perhaps that’s why it’s easy for us to consider the opportunities and life experiences children miss out on when they suffer a birth injury.