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How to Prove Liability in a Wrongful Death Case

What is Liability? To prove liability in a wrongful death case means to show to the jury who is responsible for the person’s untimely and unnatural death. Since the person is already deceased, it can be a challenging task to show what caused the premature death and that that death would not have occurred in […]

What is Pecuniary Loss in a Wrongful Death Case

Joan Rivers, a popular comedian, recently died after being taken off life support and her family members filed a wrongful death lawsuit. One of the claims made in the lawsuit was pecuniary loss, which is important to understand. Joan’s death has unfortunately raised a great deal of awareness since her daughter brought a wrongful death […]

Who Gets the Money in a Wrongful Death Case in New York?

Many of those who come to wrongful death attorneys in the state of New York have significant questions about who gets the money in a wrongful death case. Many times, these questions require fairly complex answers where local attorneys will look at the full context of a particular case to figure out where settlement money […]

Tragic Snow-Clearing Fatality: Pregnant Woman Headed to OBGYN

Some of the saddest kinds of accidents and those that are most difficult deal with are also painful reminders that many businesses and local governments need stricter rules and regulations about the operation of vehicles and heavy machinery. The Gothamist reported February on a chilling case where a pregnant woman was killed by a snowplow […]