212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

How to File a Personal Injury Claim for Compensation

A Neck Injury is Traumatic Blunt forces can traumatize one of the most important regions of the human body – the neck. Such trauma can grievously impact the discs in the cervical region, muscles & ligaments, the cervical spine in the neck region. Neck injury victims may suffer damage to nerves or soft tissue in […]

When You need an Intersection Accident Lawyer

An intersection is essentially a location where various highways converge, and by their very nature prone to cause accidents or be where accidents mainly occur. Motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists have different approaches as well as crossing movements at intersections, and this creates the most complicated traffic situations. Besides, some motorists ignore every traffic control element […]

When You need an Apartment Accident Lawyer

When anyone rents or visits a New York apartment, the property owner or the landlord has the responsibility to make certain that the apartment itself as well as the whole complex is maintained in a safe and proper condition. Whenever this is not the case, accidents can happen, followed closely by injuries. Any accidents caused […]

Emotional Distress Claim Explained

When one person causes mental or emotional trauma to another person through their depraved or selfish actions, then the victim can recover damages through civil action or litigation. An intentional, negligent, and reckless behavior or conduct can cause extreme stress. You can file an injury claim in New York courts even if there is no […]

Fire or Explosion Accident and Personal Injury Claims

New York witnesses several fire and explosions through each year. Fire explosions are usually acts of human negligence and omissions. Fire or gas explosions occur when a safety measure is not in place as expected. It can be a faulty valve, or a smoker’s fire. It can also be an act of arson. In any […]

Going to the Truck: The Application of NY Labor Law 240

When it comes to New York construction accidents, the outcome is often something that emerges from the details of the case in a complex way. It’s not as easy as just saying “somebody was hurt and they need compensation.” There are many aspects to consider and language in New York State statutes that has to […]

When to Contact a Sidewalk Accident Lawyer

Sidewalks, whether in cities or small towns, can be a source of danger, if they are not properly maintained. In case you are involved in a slip and fall or a trip and fall accident, it shows negligence on the part of your municipality. New York Municipalities are indeed responsible for their lapse in the […]

The New York Animal Bites Law

Animal bites, particularly dog bites are something that happens often, and Americans in the thousands are victims of this peril. If an animal bites you, you might have the legal right to claim for damages, from either the animal owner or the concerned party. What to do if an animal bites you? The very first […]

How Preponderance of Evidence can Help You Win Your Case

Winning the Evidence Game If you wish to win a lawsuit, you need to have strong evidence that can prove the fault of the defendant. The court looks for strong evidence that can push the case in your favor. Your evidence should trump the oppositions. Evidence can include: Documents Photographs Lab reports Eye witnesses Police […]

Why You need a Golden New York City Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Claims

Victims may need sound legal representation in certain personal injury cases. Some cases require an astute understanding of complex legal statutes that can be applied only by experienced and accomplished lawyers. Insurance companies are known to repudiate claims that are valid. Claim adjusters are employed to minimize what they owe for the insurance company – […]