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Tour Bus Accident Results in Injuries

Tour buses are a common site in New York City, especially in popular destinations like Central Park which most visitors enjoy exploring. Unfortunately, recent tour attendees found themselves in the middle of a dangerous situation instead of just enjoying their day at the park. The double decker tour bus that they were riding on became […]

Four Injured After Crane Collapses on the Tappan Zee

In April of 2013, construction began on a new Tappan Zee Bridge. The construction project was long awaited, as there has been more than 10 years of debate before breaking ground. The new bridge will be just a few yards away from the old bridge, and it will span eight lanes. Construction is slated to […]

NSC Report Shows Accidental Deaths Are Increasing

In 2014, more than 136,000 people throughout America died as a result of accidents. This troubling statistic comes from a new report prepared by the National Safety Council (NSC). The report reveals the data on increased deaths and illustrates some of the most common types of accidents that result in fatalities. While there are lots […]

Motorcycle Accidents: Fatalities Are on the Rise

Car accident deaths have declined in recent years, not because the roads are safer or because drivers are more careful. Instead, the decline in fatalities has been driven largely by the fact that car safety technology has dramatically improved. Unfortunately, motorcycles and other motorists haven’t benefited from the technologies that make it less likely for […]

Drowsy and Distracted Driving

Two of the most dangerous behaviors that a motorist can do on the road include distracted driving and drowsy driving. Motorists who choose to do either of these things could be considered negligent and victims could pursue a case for compensation with the help of New York City injury attorneys. Unfortunately, recent evidence suggests that […]

Teens and Distracted Driving Accidents: A Look at the Risks

CBS News reported recently on the tremendous risks associated with distracted driving amongst teenagers. Unfortunately, as many as 60 percent of all teen driving crashes today happen because of driver distraction. CBS’s article on the issue was prompted by the fact that the University of Iowa and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently conducted […]

Who owns New York City’s sidewalks?

Have you ever walked down the street in New York City, noticed a significant upheaval in the sidewalk or another danger and thought, “Someone should really fix that before someone gets hurt?” With roughly 12,750 miles of sidewalk in our city, it’s bound to happen.

Car Accidents and the Drowsy Driving Crisis

Drowsy driving is one of the single most dangerous things someone can do on the road, as drowsy driving causes a very similar impairing effect to drunk driving. Drowsy driving has become such a problem that it has become necessary to convene panels made up of academics and safety experts to try to resolve the […]

Texting and Driving Differs From Other Types of Distracted Driving

Lots of different things can cause someone to become distracted behind the wheel. Some motorists are simply absent-minded and not focusing on what is going on. Others are upset while driving and may not be as focused on the road as they should be. Still others face distractions not because of their mood or internal […]

Pedestrian Safety: The Dangers Associated With “Walkable” Cities

New York City is a city where lots of people walk. Pedestrian traffic is heavy almost all the time, in large part because walking can actually be an easier way to get around than trying to cope with driving in city traffic. While New York is an extremely walkable city, the fact that you can […]