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When to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New York – Timeline

Accidents are an unfortunate but common occurrence in congested places like New York. If you have been injured in an auto accident, you are probably considering suing the person who was responsible for your injury. Under the laws of New York State, you have a certain time limit within which you need to file a lawsuit seeking compensation from the negligent party.

What To Do After a Car Accident In New York City?

Getting hit in a car accident in New York City can be a terrifying experience and understandably, most people feel lost and confused when it happens to them. However, what you do immediately after an accident can have a great impact on how much compensation you receive for your injuries. With that said, it’s critical for you to be mentally prepared with a checklist of what actions you need to take and what you need to avoid doing to ensure that your rights are protected.

How Much Compensation Can I Get For My Car Accident in NY?

A New York car accident injury can have devastating consequences on not just your health but also on your ability to earn your living. It is quite understandable for you to be worried about paying the medical bills and financing your vehicle repairs. In cases of severe injury when the victim has to miss work due to their injuries, there is the added stress of loss of income.

How to File a Personal Injury Claim in New York?

The fourth most populous state in the US, New York is home to 20.4 million people, of which 8.2 million reside in New York City alone. Because of the high-density traffic, accidents and consequent injuries are a sad but unfortunate reality of everyday life in the city. There is no way to undo the injuries or property damages suffered in an accident. However, personal injury laws in New York allow the victims and their families to seek redemption in the form of monetary compensation.

FAQs on Pedestrian Accidents in New York City

Accidents involving pedestrians have increased to alarming levels in New York City. Data from the Department of Health shows that over 300 pedestrians are killed and more than 3,000 are hospitalized every year due to collisions involving motor vehicles and pedestrians.

FAQs on Bicycle Accidents in New York City

Apart from being a fun hobby and a great exercise, riding is also a medium of daily commute for many New York bicyclists. There will surely be many bicycle aficionados on the New York City streets with the onset of summer, as more bicycle enthusiasts head outside to enjoy the warmer weather. Unfortunately, more bicycle riders on the road mean more accidents involving cyclists, resulting in more injuries.

10 Steps in a New York Personal Injury Claim Timeline

The legal system can be confusing and daunting for people who engage with it for the first time. If like many others, you have never pursued a claim with an insurance company or filed a lawsuit in court, all the procedures and paperwork may seem complex and intimidating.

How to Negotiate a Personal Injury Settlement in New York?

Anyone who has been hurt in an accident in New York caused by the negligence of another party has the legal right to seek compensation for their loss. Some personal injury cases get settled out of court after successful negotiation with the insurance company representing the party at fault. In cases where there is disagreement about the compensation being offered, the accident victim may decide not to settle and instead, proceed to go to trial to get their rightful due.

Steps Involved in an NYC Personal Injury Court Case

If you suffer injuries or monetary losses as a result of a third party’s actions (negligent or otherwise), you can bring a tort claim against them with the help of an NYC personal injury attorney and seek damages. The process of recovering damages through a New York City personal injury lawsuit generally involves several steps – each of which has its own procedural requirements. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can expedite the process to a great extent and recover the compensation you deserve.

Can The Insurer Do Surveillance on Me After an NY Car Crash?

When you file a personal injury claim for damages you sustained in a New York car accident, the settlement is most likely to involve a payout through the insurance company of the individual whose negligence caused the crash. It is common practice for insurers to run an investigation of the accident to verify the claims you make.