212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Serviceable Ropes for Hoists

Most of those who do tough construction and trades jobs in New York have never read the entire New York labor law, and they may not recognize the wide spectrum of rules that state officials have put in place to protect them. Experienced New York work injury lawyers understand that there are many laws in […]

Steepest Slopes Allowed in NY Construction

When it comes to work injury cases, people often think about the most obvious kinds of hazards, including defective equipment, falls from high places and chemical exposure. But there are many aspects to New York labor law that provide worker safety, some of which concern things that people might not generally think about on construction […]

Who Told Who? Labor Law 240 and the Recalcitrant Worker Defense

As we’ve discussed before, New York State labor law provides a relatively broad and expansive set of protections to New York construction workers, especially around certain protected activities that involve working on tall structures. But regardless of the general liability that this rule puts on companies and contractors, there are exclusions, and although some use the […]

Weight, Motion and Impact

When it comes to handling workplace liability, smart managers have a plan in place. They not only provide safety gear and equipment, but they also look at physical aspects of the worksite specific trained eyes. They typically develop the criteria for handling safety issues so that they deal with the biggest ones first. And that […]

Litterbugs are Liable

It might seem like a trivial detail, but litter is actually a serious thing, and it’s even more serious in places where it might present obstacles for busy workers. We’ve all seen those municipal signs claiming a $300 or $500 fine for littering or dumping. Government planners are trying to instill an understanding in people […]

Blocked Doorways: A Closer Look at Liability Issues

Some of the things you see on a construction site or in some other workplace settings may seem like small details — until something terrible happens. One example of this is the set of fire rules and regulations that affect businesses and worksites, and basically cover anywhere there is human habitation or work activity. Fire […]

Grab some Financial Relief for Your Losses from an Excavation Accident

New York City’s industrial regulations and norms are built to extensively protect workers in excavation sites. They mention extensive shoring and bracing requirements for trenches and excavations in order to prevent a collapse. They also require employers and site owners to provide workers with adequate safety and protection gear, quality tools and excavation machinery to […]

Fastening, Weight and Fall Protection: The Three-fold Requirement for Scaffolds

Under the specific terms of New York’s labor law, scaffolds have to meet various criteria in order to be considered safe. Lack of proper safeguards leaves a company liable in various kinds of work injury situations. Because New York law has its own unique and stringent rules on scaffold work injuries, it’s easy for companies […]

What Makes NY’s Scaffold Law Unique?

There’s been a lot of controversy over the years about the New York scaffolding law, also called “New York Labor Law 240.” It’s something that most people outside the field aren’t very familiar with, but it ends up being a big deal in terms of workplace liability for New York construction workers. What Does the […]

Look Out Below: Standards for Multi-Story Work

Sometimes, construction injury cases can be built around how a work area is set up. The bigger and more complex the workspace is, the more diverse kinds of risks workers can be exposed to. A primary example is the issue of multi-story work. It’s not extremely uncommon for construction projects in New York City to […]