212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

If you have ever been involved in a medical malpractice case which hopefully you have not, then you know that you have had to deal with your healthcare provider’s insurer at some stage. On the other hand, if you happen to be a medical practitioner in New York, then you need to read on to know how proper insurance coverage can protect you against a possible malpractice lawsuit.

If you have ever been involved in a medical malpractice case which hopefully you have not, then you know that you have had to deal with your healthcare provider’s insurer at some stage. On the other hand, if you happen to be a medical practitioner in New York, then you need to read on to know how proper insurance coverage can protect you against a possible malpractice lawsuit.

Typical insurance plans for medical practitioners

Most insurance companies in US protect the medical practitioners through either of two types of insurance coverage:

A claims-made policy usually protects the insured medical practitioner throughout the life of the policy. Thus, the date of malpractice complaint and the date of claim recovery-both dates must fall within the life of the policy for the insured to get its benefit.

Note: The medical practitioner can buy extended coverage to get protection for malpractice cases occurring before the policy began, or for protection against claims made after the policy has expired (tail coverage).

An occurrence-made policy provides protection against all malpractice cases reported during the policy period, regardless of when the claims are made.

The normal limits for medical malpractice coverage

In a per-occurrence coverage limit, the insurance company sets a total sum that will be paid for a single claim.

An aggregate coverage limit indicates the total amount the insurance company will pay for designated period of time, for example, annually.

Medical malpractice cases happen despite them not being fun for anyone involved, so a medical practitioner’s insurance coverage should factor in that fact. When medical practitioners fail to secure and sign up for adequate insurance coverage based on their files of specialty and location, they may have the misfortune of paying malpractice damages from their own pocket! There goes that next car purchase.

Exclusions for all types of insurance

No matter how fantastic and awesome a medical practitioner is, illegal acts or acts of sexual misconduct are not covered by any insurance coverage. Moreover, if a medical practitioner willfully misrepresents him or herself during a policy application, the insurance policy will be immediately voided.

Other types of insurance coverage for medical malpractice

Insurance companies also provide group coverage for medical practitioners under the following conditions:

· When a team or group of health professionals are located in a single facility as employees of the facility.

· If specific employees under group policy opt for additional coverage, they can acquire extra coverage by getting individual status under the group policy.

· When the group coverage limit is not adequate for specific medical practitioners, they can buy individual policy from the same or another insurance provider.

212 697 9280 – Call that number

If you are planning to file a medical malpractice case against a doctor or a hospital, contact Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff, & Wolff of RMFW Law at 212-344-1000. No one knows medical malpractice cases like us. We have won millions of dollars for past clients – let us hear what you have to say. We know a winning case when we see one.

We possibly have the experts on speed dial who can help bolster your case. Without them, you do not have a case. RMFW Law is the best law firm in the city and we know how to gather evidence and build a solid case. You do not pay us for the first meeting and we are not paid until you are paid.