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Organ Perforation or Puncture

Organ Perforation or Puncture

Organ punctures and/or perforation during surgery is a medical malpractice issue. Medical practitioners as well as patients understand that every surgical procedure is accompanied by a certain amount of risk. Continuous practice, innovation in surgical techniques, and technological advancement in surgical equipment over the years have enabled doctors and surgeons to minimize errors during surgery.

However, this does not guarantee that every surgery will be smooth sailing. When any problem during surgery originates as a result of an act of negligence by a surgical expert, it becomes a medical malpractice case. In such cases, the responsible person must be legally held accountable for the risk or loss of life caused by his carelessness.

If you or your loved ones suffered an organ puncture or a perforation while undergoing surgery, you must seek legal help immediately to file a case of medical malpractice, and pursue compensation for your suffering.

Consequences of Organ Puncture or Perforation

The bowel suffers the most as a result of an organ perforation during surgery. Its structure and length can cause it to get caught easily by a surgical tool. Other organs that are commonly affected are the stomach, liver, and intestines. When any of these critical organ systems get damaged, human waste tends to immediately enter the body cavity, leading to infection, internal bleeding and other complications (peritonitis). Antibiotics help in treating infections in the intestines.

Besides, fixing a nasogastric tube helps the bowels to rest for recovery. Usually a surgery is performed to fix perforations and intestinal leaks. Perforations also occur during the aggravation of ulcerative colitis. When the disease lasts long for years, the intestinal wall is weakened leading to tears.

Symptoms Leading to Organ Perforations

Free air in the abdominal cavity, a sign of tear, is detected by x-ray. A CT scan helps to locate the hole. The following symptoms or post-surgery side effects can mean that you have suffered an organ perforation or puncture during the surgery:

· Abdominal pain

· Nausea

· Fever

· Swollen abdomen

· Vomiting

· Bowel dysfunction

Medical Negligence Leading to Organ Perforation

Surgeons are professionally trained to prevent any damages to internal organs during or after surgery. Surgical experts are expected to check and recheck for any signs of internal damage, and perform immediate damage control to stop further complications. Unfortunately, surgeons often overlook this step during surgery, leading to life threatening situations for the patient.

In some cases the inexperienced assistants helping the surgeons may not exercise required caution in handling sutures, post-surgical closures, dressings, and completion of surgery related procedures. This may lead to infections, internal bleeding, rupture of sutures, and more.

Call for Help

Our lawyers understand how severe the causes and effects of an organ perforation during surgery can be, for the patient and their family. Speak to our lawyers now to determine your best legal course of action. We come with years of experience in the medical malpractice domain, and can provide you with the complete legal support necessary to move forward. Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff have law offices located in Astoria, Queens, New York City and two locations in Brooklyn. Give us a call at 212-344-1000.

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