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According to a study published in the BMJ Quality & Safety journal, approximately 12 million adults seeking outpatient medical care are misdiagnosed each year in the United States. This amounts to 1 out of 20 adult patients and represents about 5% of outpatient encounters. From the statistics that researchers have produced, in 50% of those cases, there is a potential for serious harm as a result of the misdiagnosis.

According to a study published in the BMJ Quality & Safety journal, approximately 12 million adults seeking outpatient medical care are misdiagnosed each year in the United States. This amounts to 1 out of 20 adult patients and represents about 5% of outpatient encounters. From the statistics that researchers have produced, in 50% of those cases, there is a potential for serious harm as a result of the misdiagnosis.

There is a recent study that shows us that some of the most common reasons for misdiagnosis include failure by the patient to provide accurate information regarding their medical history, problems with ordering diagnostic tests, and errors made by a physician while interpreting test results.

Among the most common medical malpractice cases are those in which doctors fail to diagnose potentially dangerous illnesses properly and the patients suffers serious harm as a result. The failure to detect, diagnose, and treat ovarian cancer can cause a lot of harm to a patient’s health and well-being, and may even cause death.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer include:

Those who suffer from these kind of symptoms and believe that their medical provider is not paying attention to their concerns by ordering the appropriate diagnostic tests may be experiencing medical negligence. In such cases, it is highly recommended to obtain a second opinion from another doctor.

Standard of Care

To make sure that all patients receive equal and fair treatment and avoid the possibilities of injuries as a result of negligence, doctors and other medical professionals are required to maintain a standard of care. In situations where ovarian cancer is overlooked or misdiagnosed, or if tests were not performed or read improperly, it may warrant filing a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Probable Cause

When filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, the patient or family member must prove that the injuries or, in some cases, death were caused by negligence on the medical professional’s part.

For example, if a patient visited their doctor for a simple check-up and test results detected an ovarian tumor, but the doctor failed to notify the patient or order the appropriate tests, the failure to diagnose the illness could cause serious harm to the patient. To pursue malpractice claims, the plaintiff must prove causation and hire the services of an experienced malpractice attorney for the best outcome.

A Law Firm that is Ethical

If you or a loved one has been harmed due to misdiagnosis of ovarian cancer, you should immediately seek the help of a medical malpractice attorney at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff, & Wolff of RMFW Law at 212-344-1000. The first meeting is free. Give us a call. Let’s work out a winning strategy to pursue if your case is viable.

Is your case viable? Do you have a case? Let’s hear what you have to say. Let’s hear your side of the story.