212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

As per reports released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), approximately 2,449 medical malpractice cases were disposed of by either the jury or bench trial in state courts of general jurisdiction across the United States in 2005. Roughly 99% of these trials were decided by a jury. Plaintiffs prevailed in less than a quarter of trials involving medical malpractice.

As per reports released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), approximately 2,449 medical malpractice cases were disposed of by either the jury or bench trial in state courts of general jurisdiction across the United States in 2005. Roughly 99% of these trials were decided by a jury. Plaintiffs prevailed in less than a quarter of trials involving medical malpractice.

According to the Civil Justice Resource Group, 4.8% of physicians are responsible for half of the medical malpractice claims filed in the United States.

There are ways that you can avoid common medical malpractice claims, such as:

If you or somebody you know has been injured due to the negligence of an ophthalmologist or any other physician, you should immediately seek the expertise of a reliable medical malpractice attorney at Rosenberg, Minc, Falloff, & Wolff of RMFW Law at 212-344-1000.

We know how to win cases. We win cases all the time. We cannot win your case though unless you call us. You need to call us. The first meeting is free. We charge you nothing up front. We have won big money for previous clients. You can possibly be on this righteous and fantastic list.