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Researcher develops algorithms to find diagnostic errors

Misdiagnoses represent a medical safety problem for people in New York and nationwide. Failure to diagnose properly could delay appropriate treatments or even result in death and disability. The findings of multiple studies indicate that diagnostic errors affect approximately 12 million people every year. To aid the quality improvement programs at hospitals, a researcher from Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality has created a computer program that can analyze hundreds of thousands of patient records. Called Symptom-Disease Pair Analysis of Diagnostic Error, the program applies algorithms to find patterns of mistakes.

Incorrectly diagnosing ILD

According to a patient survey, the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease, or ILD, in New York and across the rest of the nation is usually incorrect. The result of this common misdiagnosis often results in patients experiencing emotional stress.

Deadly bacterial infection can be disguised as the flu

New York residents might have heard the unpleasant phrase ‘flesh-eating bacteria” in news reports. The proper name of this frightening condition is necrotizing fasciitis. The nickname comes from the fact that it destroys skin and muscle tissues, and the infection can be fatal if not treated. What’s even more frightening is that sometimes its symptoms are mistaken for something much more common: the flu.

Working to Change Distracted Driving Statistics in New York and Throughout America

A New York City injury lawyer can provide help to victims hurt in a distracted driving accident. Unfortunately, distracted driving has become a leading cause of fatal collisions as well as a top cause of serious injuries in traffic accidents. Distracted driving has become such a common and serious threat that many individuals, schools, and […]

NY School Bus Driver Accused of Driving Drunk With Students Onboard

Parents count on school bus drivers to keep their children safe while taking their children to and from school.  Unfortunately, sometimes bus drivers engage in dangerous behaviors behind the wheel that put young people at risk. When and if this occurs, parents of children hurt in bus accidents need to contact New York City motor vehicle accident attorneys for help as soon as possible.  Taking legal action can be complicated if bus drivers are government employees, but parents and children do have rights and may be able to obtain compensation if serious harm or fatalities occur due to bus driver negligence. Bad bus driver behavior can take many forms, including driving the bus while fatigued or driving while distracted. However, one of the most dangerous of all behaviors is intoxicated driving. Just recently, New York Upstate reported on a troubling incident in which a bus driver has been accused of drinking while he was driving school children.

Getting back to normal after a medical error

New York patients who undergo a medical procedure expect that they will be well cared for. However, there are times when it does not go as planned, and this could cause additional health problems. Ideally, people who this has happened to will get answers as to why a mistake happened. If not, it may be worthwhile to consider legal action against parties who may have played a role in causing the error.

NY Lawmakers Want Accident-Prone Bicycle Lane Removed

Bicycle riders face a significant risk of injury while riding on New York’s roads and should contact New York City bicycle accident lawyers if injuries occur. To try to reduce the risk of harm to riders and make the roads safer, there are many bicycle lanes throughout New York City. These bike lanes provide dedicated spaces for bicyclists and they should reduce the risk of collisions occurring. One new bicycle lane, however, has been having the opposite impact as intended. Instead of making motorists and bicyclists safer, the bike lane has increased crash risks so much so that lawmakers and community members are requesting the new bike lane be removed.

Risk of medication error is highest at times of transition

While the health care industry in New York has taken great strides toward eliminating prescription medication errors, there are still instances that lead to higher levels of mistakes. This is dangerous given that medication errors can lead to adverse and sometimes even fatal reactions between different medications.

Wrong-Way Crashes Often Result in Serious Injuries to NY Drivers, Passengers

A New York City car accident law firm can provide compensation after a wrong way accident occurs and leaves you injured. Wrong way crashes are often among the most serious of all collisions that occur on the roads because these types of accidents often result in high-speed head on crashes.  Just recently, for example, […]

How to File and What to Expect in Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawsuits

According to statistics, there are 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma each year in the United States. Due to the fact that men are exposed to asbestos more often, their likelihood of being diagnosed with the cancer is 4.6 times higher. 2 to 10% of people with heavy and prolonged asbestos exposure will develop the most common form of the cancer known as pleural mesothelioma. People older than 60 years of age are 10 times more likely to develop mesothelioma than people younger than 40 years of age. In 2013, 2,497 people died of mesothelioma.

Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Have you been exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma? Do you want to know if you can file a lawsuit to recover money damages? In most cases, yes, you can. People who discover that they suffer from mesothelioma as a result of working with asbestos, they – or if they are deceased, their spouse – have a great chance of obtaining substantial damages, either from the company that installed or manufactured the asbestos based products or from a victims’ trust fund or even an insurance company that assumes liability for the manufacturer. Thanks to the formation of asbestos victims’ trust fund, you can file a mesothelioma lawsuit even if the manufacturer has shut shop, sold out or even gone bankrupt.