212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Tips To Keep You Safe On Halloween

Halloween is perhaps one of the most fun and exciting days of the year. Dressing up and going trick or treating is one of the many highlights of this holiday. However, accidents can occur during this time of the year as well, making it extremely important to be careful. Of all the dangers that come […]

What NY Drivers, Visitors Need to Know About Out-of-Town Accidents

A New York City injury lawyer can provide help after collisions occur. Accidents are always difficult for those involved, especially when injuries happen or when someone is killed. The aftermath of an accident can also be complicated by the need to pursue a claim to recover compensation for losses caused by serious injuries or fatalities […]

Diagnosing exploding head syndrome

New York patients who have trouble sleeping may be interested to learn about a sleep disorder known as exploding head syndrome. People who have this condition often experience a loud bang or even a gunshot noise when they try to go to sleep, even though these noises actually never occur. For many, the syndrome is overlooked by doctors.

NY Night Shift Workers Face a Greater Risk of Being Involved in Auto Accidents

Motor vehicle accident attorneys can provide legal representation in circumstances where collisions occur and cause harm to victims.  There are many causes of crashes, including drowsy driving. When a motorist causes a crash to occur and harms others because that motorist is too tired to drive safely or because the motorist is otherwise negligent behind […]