212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Don’t Wait on a Concussion

Anytime someone sees an accident occur, there’s the difficult question of how to respond. Some types of accidents seem relatively minor — a person sustains a bit of a blow from a falling object, bumps his or her head on a fixed installation or falls from a certain height — and the individual appears to […]

Maternal death rate on the rise

It might be nerve-racking for pregnant women in New York to know that the maternal mortality rate in the United States has increased since 1990. In every 100 live births prior to the 1930s, almost one woman died from related complications. This rate had steadily declined by 1987 to fewer than eight maternal deaths out of 100,000 births. Between 1990 and 2013, however, 18.5 women out of 100,000 giving birth died.

Do You need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A personal injury can happen in many ways. It could be a road accident, a theft, a robbery, a medical malpractice issue, or damage due to unhygienic work conditions. They can go beyond ordinary physical wounds. Your physical capabilities or appearance can get diminished for a long time or even permanently. You have every possibility […]

My Building Floor is Always Wet!

Prior to speaking with a personal injury lawyer, some injury victims have a mistaken belief that every case is relatively the same and simply having evidence of injury automatically triggers compensation. However, victims should understand that resolving such issues is not as easy as they may think. There are many factors involved in the context […]

Do I have a Valid Medical Malpractice Case?

If you think that you or a loved one has been the victim of negligence by a physician, you may claim compensation for your losses and suffering by filing a medical malpractice case. By nature, a medical malpractice case is complicated and time-consuming.

What to Include in the Documents Dossier for Your Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, you might want to discuss the incident with a qualified attorney who can put together a convincing case and improve your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve. But before you head to the attorney’s office, here’s a list of documents that you should ideally carry to help him judge the merit of your case and provide sound advice:

What do I have to Prove in a Medical Malpractice Case?

Medical malpractice lawsuits can stretch on for days on end if you don’t have all the pieces of evidence-documents, testimonials, medical reports, and the bills-ready and strung together in a watertight case. Knowing what you have to prove in a case helps you gather relevant evidence and improves your chances of obtaining a desirable outcome.

Safety in the “Sharing Economy”

By now, most people have heard about Uber and other ride-sharing services that consumers are using throughout New York and many other states in the U.S. The services are quickly emerging to challenge classic taxicab systems and provide urban dwellers and others with options for getting from one place to another — but they also […]

No Flares? How Insufficient Lighting Leads to Accidents

It might seem like a casual detail, but safety lighting is critically important in many accident cases and even more important in motorcycle accidents. At the beginning of dusk, as daylight starts to fall away, such conditions can cause dangerously low-lit sections of roads. The issue compounds as twilight unfolds, which is why at some point, law enforcement officers who see vehicles without headlights on will often stop the vehicles and cite the drivers. The danger is even worse after dark where without proper lighting, serious accidents can result. As difficult as it can be to see motor vehicles at night, without proper lighting, it’s even more difficult to identify motorcycles. Many drivers just don’t have the peripheral vision for these smaller vehicles and find it hard to see them on the road. However, adequate safety lights can work effectively to clue oncoming drivers that there is an obstacle on the road. People almost always respond to these professionally-designed types of lighting — flares or proper electric lights — because they’re bright enough to appear prominently and mark a path for traffic. Consider the following section from a New York statute that applies to large vehicles. It is an excellent example of why warning lights are so important and how the state of New York views them as a common-sense precaution for different types of roadway emergencies: “Every omnibus having a seating capacity of more than ten passengers, every truck having a maximum gross weight in excess of twelve thousand pounds and every combination of tractor and trailer operated upon a public highway shall carry emergency lighting equipment…flares of the type used by railroads, flaring candles, torches, lanterns or red emergency reflectors…in front of and in the rear of the vehicle for at least eight hours. No red emergency reflector shall be deemed adequate within the meaning of this subdivision unless it is of a size and type approved by the commissioner.”

Is Trash Dangerous? Another Reason to go “Zero Waste” in NYC

It’s a well-established idea that most people don’t think about where their trash goes once they’ve disposed of it, and individuals without connections to the waste industry usually will not spend a lot of time contemplating the intricate relationships between humans, retail and commercial systems, and the physical waste created in urban areas. We do […]