212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Who will Seat Jurors during the Jury Selection Process

When the attorneys go to pick jurors in your personal injury case, who actually picks the jurors who are going to sit in the front six seats and who are going to be questioned? Process of Jury Selection Before a medical malpractice case, accident case, or even a wrongful death case starts, there is the […]

What is a Deposition in a Personal Injury Case

What is the Purpose of having a Deposition? A deposition is a pivotal part of any personal injury case, whether it is medical malpractice case, accident case, or even a wrongful death case. It is held far before the trial commences, and during this session, the defense attorney has the opportunity to question you, the […]

What is a Request for a Sidebar

In personal injury cases, whether it is a medical malpractice case, accident case, or even a wrongful death case, one of the attorneys might request the judge that they would like to have a sidebar. This usually happens when one of the attorneys is objecting to something. One of the attorneys will then ask the […]

What happens when the Hospital Loses Your Medical Records

You are planning to submit a medical malpractice lawsuit for the injuries your baby has suffered due to improper obstetrical care during the time of your delivery. However, when you try to attain copies of your medical records, you are told by the hospital that they cannot locate the electronic fetal monitoring strips, for instance. Now if you go ahead with the lawsuit, what can happen to the hospital because they cannot locate your baby’s medical records?

Powdered Alcohol – An Unnecessary Risk

The news media is abuzz with talk of powdered alcohol products which may come on the market soon. So far, the product is getting mixed reviews, as some say use of it can lead to serious public health and safety situations. Still, powdered alcohol can be extremely dangerous and can lead to a variety of […]

C-section births result in higher risk of health complications

According to a recent study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women in the U.S. who undergo C-sections are more likely to suffer from a wide range of medical complications. Due to these findings, women in New York and around the country may want to seek out other means of giving birth if they are pregnant or planning on having a baby.