212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Is it Required to Put the Settlement on the Record  

In a personal injury case that is settled during the course of a pretrial conference, is it required to put the settlement on the record, in open court. Do You need to Put Settlement on the Record? To answer if it is required, no it is not required. However, is it considered a best practice […]

What does a Lawyer Look for in a Potential Medical Malpractice Case

If you feel that you have suffered harms and losses due to the negligence of a doctor or a hospital staff, you should consider claiming damages by filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. However, when you approach an attorney, he will be looking at your case from his own viewpoint to decide whether he should accept it. Hence, these are the four important aspects a lawyer will be looking at, when a client approaches him with a potential medical malpractice case.

Showing a Document to Jog the Witness’s Memory

A lawyer shows the witness a document to refresh his memory about something that the witness claims he cannot remember. This type of technique is used when a witness, especially a doctor does not remember something about an event or about a conversation that may have occurred previously. Information may be contained in a document or in a medical record that might refresh the doctor’s memory.

Truckers: Hours Without Sleep

A very serious and important issue that traffic safety advocates are constantly faced with is the issue of truck driver fatigue. A fact sheet from the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety shows that truck crashes lead to more than 5000 fatalities and injure approximately 150,000 people each year. Driver fatigue raises the risks of […]