New York residents genetically predisposed to celiac disease may develop the autoimmune condition either as a child or as an adult. The disease is usually confined to the small intestine, but symptoms are not always apparent and regular screening for at-risk individuals is highly recommended. Screening for celiac disease involves both antibody and genetic testing.

The most reliable way to detect celiac disease is a tissue transglutaminase antibodies blood test. These tests have been able to detect celiac disease 98 percent of the time, but false positive results have been known among individuals with autoimmune disorders including Type 1 diabetes, arthritis and chronic liver conditions. Those being tested must be on a diet containing gluten for the test to be effective. An anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody test will not yield false positive results, but it is only between 90 and 95 percent effective at detecting celiac disease. If tests indicate the presence celiac disease, doctors will usually order a biopsy of the small intestine.

Genetic tests are performed because only individuals with the DQ2 and the DQ8 genes develop celiac disease. However, having these genes does not mean that a person will develop the disease. About 40 percent of the population have these genes, but only about 1 percent develop celiac disease. These tests are often used to rule out the disease rather than identify it.

The tests used to detect conditions like celiac disease may be extremely accurate, but human error can still lead to a missed or delayed diagnosis. Doctors are seldom willing to admit that they made mistakes, and personal injury attorneys with experience in medical malpractice cases may call upon experts to determine the sequence of events. Attorneys may also rely on experts to explain how an error made by medical professionals caused injury, loss or damage to the plaintiff in a malpractice case.


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