212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000

Does Helmet Use Affect My NYC Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Under the laws of New York, all persons who ride a motorcycle must wear helmets that meet the federal requirement for motor vehicle safety. Data from years of study of motorcycle accidents show that head injury is one of the most common causes of serious injury and even death in motorcycle accidents in NYC. Wearing the right helmet can help prevent serious and fatal head injuries. Although over the years, compliance with the helmet law has improved considerably, there are still persons who continue to operate their motorcycle without wearing a helmet. 

Causes, Recovery, and Rehab For Traumatic Brain Injury in NY

Brain injuries can have lifelong and far-reaching consequences. The emotional, physical, and cognitive-communicative impact of brain injuries can limit your earning potential greatly. It can also affect the quality of your life severely. Common causes for traumatic brain injuries include falls, vehicular crashes, assaults, and sports injuries. These types of injuries can range from minor concussions to permanent brain damage.Brain injuries can have lifelong and far-reaching consequences. It can also affect the quality of your life severely. Common causes for traumatic brain injuries include falls, vehicular crashes, assaults, and sports injuries. These types of injuries can range from minor concussions to permanent brain damage.