New York Anesthesia Allergic Reactions Malpractice Lawyers
Allergic Reactions From Anesthesia Attorneys New York City Local anesthesia is used to numb a section of the body during medical procedures. Local anesthesia is frequently used in Caesarean sections, ophthalmological, podiatric and oral surgery. In certain cases, local anesthetics are combined with general anesthesia to achieve the desired impact on the patient. Although rare, […]
New York Medical Malpractice Epidural Injury Attorneys
When administered properly, epidural injections can be a very effective means of managing pain and allowing patients to heal. However, due to the proximity of the spinal cord, mistakes made by anesthesiologists in administering an epidural can be extremely dangerous. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious or life-threatening epidural injury, the […]
New York Spinal Anesthesia Error Malpractice Lawyers
Anesthesiologist Negligence Lawyers NYC
Spinal anesthesia (sometimes called an epidural) is recognized as an alternative to general anesthesia in certain types of surgeries. Epidurals are frequently given to women while enduring labor, although epidurals are used in many other procedures as well. Spinal anesthesia, like any type of anesthesia has the potential for complications. Anesthesiologists and other professionals must take proper steps to minimize the risk and address potential hazards. Errors in spinal anesthesia can create life-changing injuries and even death. Some of the injuries include:
Anesthesia death rates are rising. Should you be worried?
For decades, death rates with modern medicine have been falling. Medical professionals have more information, more training, better technology and many other advantages. Procedures that were impossible in the not-so-distant past are routine today.