212-LAWYERS or (212) 344-1000



Like all other parts of the body, skin too grows old with age. It thins and becomes weak as we grow older. Older skin tends to injure easily and takes much longer to heal. Not being active, pain, incontinence, and even not eating and drinking enough can lead to skin damage which left unattended can turn into sores.

Bed sores or pressure ulcers are generally caused by sitting in the same position for way too long. Patients who are bedridden are most susceptible to sores. These sores occur on the body parts of the body like the hips, tail bone, and the ankles.

Bed sores at a medical facility in New York can begin to form in barely two hours and can turn serious, potentially leading to an infection that can spread to the bloodstream, if left untreated.

These sores are rather painful and can take a long time to heal. If not tended to immediately they can also cause other severe conditions such as infections and bone or muscle loss.

Skin care in hospital

If you have had surgery or if you have been in a hospital for a long time, your skin can get affected by your mobility, physical condition, hospital environment, and also diet and hydration. Though the nurses will check for bed sores at a medical facility in New York, be sure to call for help if you feel any pain.

Here are a few tips you can do to look after your skin:

If you or someone you know has acquired bed sores at a medical facility in New York, due to lack of care, you can file for compensation. You will need a nursing home abuse attorney to support your claim and navigate your case based on evidence, and legal circumstances. Call Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff, & Wolff of RMFW Law at 212-344-1000 today so we can discuss your case with you. We have won big money for past clients, you too can be on this list!

There is no reason to scream at the nurses or any other hospital staff. You may need one of them on your side in a few months. The nurse or the person who made the mistake is no longer on your floor and no longer working with you if there was a mistake made. Your claim is not a claim until you have a medical professional support your claim. We know how to get this done but do not assume anything.

You need RMFW Law on your side and we want to hear what you have to say. We have been around the block before. Call us now!